10 Tips for Easy and Successful GHG and LCFS/CFP verifications
After completing hundreds of verifications for greenhouse gas reports as well as reports and applications under Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) and Clean Fuels Program (CFP), Locus’ team of verifiers has identified thousands of errors and missteps that reporters and applicants commonly make when assembling their reports.
Unfortunately, verifiers like Locus are prevented from providing consulting advice directly to their reporters (due to regulatory conflict of interest requirements), so we aren’t allowed to share findings with our reporters that would make their job easier, or that would make their reports more accurate. The verifier is only allowed to state whether or not the report meets the requirements of the regulations.
Here, for the first time, is what your verifier is really thinking, but isn’t legally allowed to tell you directly: a list of the most common issues that are causing reporters additional time or cost, and how to avoid them.