Tag Archive for: Waste Management

Top 10 Enhancements to Locus EHS Compliance Software in 2020

Let’s take a look back on the most exciting new features and changes made in Locus Platform during 2020!

Locus is ready for e-Manifest

EPA is establishing a national system for tracking hazardous waste shipments electronically. This system, known as “e-Manifest,” will modernize the nation’s cradle-to-grave hazardous waste tracking process. EPA is on schedule to launch e-Manifest on June 30, 2018.

e-Manifest infographic

Download the latest fact sheets for e-Manifest stakeholders.
These fact sheets provide an overview of the e-Manifest program and the impacts it will have on each stakeholder. Each fact sheet outlines basic information about the e-Manifest system, how the specific stakeholder will be impacted, and what actions they need to take to use the e-Manifest system.

Learn more about Locus’ Waste Management application.


Tag Archive for: Waste Management

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