Locus Expertise
Looking for consulting, verification, or other environmental professional services? Beginning January 1, 2025, these services are now provided by Locus Environmental.
Ten percent of Locus staff members are certified GHG verifiers
When our in-house geologists and chemists aren’t in the field counting emissions for clients, they steer the development of our ESG and GHG reporting software. This symbiotic influence gives Locus clients greater confidence in their net zero initiatives and the software they use to track progress.
Our team has helped hundreds of clients meet their mandatory or voluntary GHG reporting requirements. Let us help you, too!
In the last 3 years, our team counted and verified…
Metric Tons of Emissions
Did you know?
Locus experts are certified by California, Oregon, and Washington state to provide 3rd-party GHG verifications. Contact us to get help from the greenhouse gas pros.