Air quality icon

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) Extends the Deadline for Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting

Two-Month Grace Period for Operators Subject to 1 October 2010 Verification Deadline.
Drinking water icon

EPA Calls for Stricter Drinking-Water Standards

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is planning to tighten standards for four water contaminants that can cause cancer as part of a new strategy to toughen drinking-water regulation. EPA said it will start rulemakings to revise standards for two contaminants used in industrial or textile processing, tetracholorethylene and trichloroethylene, within the year. The EPA will follow that rulemaking by setting stricter standards for epichlorohydrin and acrylamide, which can contaminate drinking water through the water-treatment process.
Greenhouse gases (GHG) icon

EPA Delays Start of New Rules on Emissions

The head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said Monday…
Wall Street Journal

Congress to investigate hydraulic fracturing for concerns about potential drinking-water contamination

WSJ reported today that concerns about potential drinking-water…
Nuclear (radioactive) icon

Nuclear Industry Revival

This week, President Obama announced $8.3 billion in federal…
Water icon

Focus on Water: Who will disclose to CDP Water Disclosure?

Water is the bigger problem than air for the mankind! What I have noticed missing from the dialogues on climate change is discussion on water and water quality as it relates to carbon emissions.
Drinking water icon

California Passes $11B Water Deal

California passed a bill to fix our water infrastructure. This…
EBJ 2008 Locus

Environmental Data Management

Data published by the Environmental Business Journal indicate…