The Environmental and Sustainability Big Data Era is Here
Move over ‘social media’ and ‘apps’, there’s a new…
President Obama Addresses Climate Change
In President Obama’s recent State of the Union, he chose to…
EPA Researches Possible Impacts of Hydrofracking on Drinking Water
Thanks to advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing…
EPA Updates Rules to Reduce Air Pollution from Stationary Engines
Starting off the year of air with a bang, the U.S. Environmental…
Saluting 2013, the Year of Air
In the past few years the focus has been on energy and water,…
New Rules for Hydrofracking Proposed: This Time in California
Going along with the same theme from my last post, new rules…
Latest version of proposed regulation changes on hydrofracking expected this week
It’s no secret that hydraulic fracturing, or hydrofracking,…
California Kicks Off Cap-and-Trade Program to Auction Carbon Emission Credits
Today, California kicked off the first auction of their cap-and-trade…
Hurricane Sandy Creates Concern about Toxic-Waste Sites
While the amount of damage that Hurricane Sandy caused is still…