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Cloud Apps Critical Requirement No 7: Predictable Total Cost of Ownership Model

There should be no surprise costs with cloud applications. Implementation…
Locus SaaS Deployment

Cloud Apps Critical Requirement No 6: A High-Performance, Sustainable IT Infrastructure

The cloud application provider should maintain a high-performance…
Locus Drilling

The Governor of California Signs Fracking Regulation Bill

Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation this past Friday that…
Multi-tenant cloud icon

Cloud Apps Critical Requirement No. 5: World-Class Data Center and Security

A cloud application provider should be able to offer excellent…
Greenhouse gases (GHG) icon

California’s Cap-and-Trade Program Gains Confidence

At last month’s carbon allowance auction, the fourth ever held,…
Water icon

Why Water Quality has its Own Month

How many times has water played a part in your routine activities…
Multi-tenant cloud icon

Cloud Apps Critical Requirement No. 4: Business-Driven Configurability

Cloud computing applications should be configurable, so your…
Puzzle Blocks Locus

Cloud Apps Critical Requirement No. 3: Seamless Integration On Demand

A cloud application provider worth doing business with will share…
Locus Mining

Metals and Mining Companies must Work Ahead to Manage Water Risks

According to analysis from Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and…