Locus Air GHG

California Governor Orders New Target for Emissions Cuts

California Gov. Jerry Brown issued an executive order Wednesday,…
Locus Water Splash

Environmental and Sustainability Software

We believe that every company that wants to be credible with…
Locus UCLA DataFest

Locus to Sponsor UCLA DataFest Hackathon

Locus is proud to sponsor UCLA DataFest Hackathon. For more…
Locus Water Quality

Water Wars

California. California is now heading into its fourth year of…
Locus Water Clipart

The Emerging and Innovative Blue Tech Industry

Have you heard of the Blue Tech market?  Blue, as in blue water,…
Locus Big Data

How to Select an Enterprise EHS and Sustainability Software Solution

I recently had a discussion with the Environmental Business Journal…
Locus Smokestack
Locus Produced Water

European Study on Chemical Composition of Fracking Wastewater: Can it be drinkable?

Have you heard of "halogenated hydrocarbons"? It is a group of…
San Jose Water Company logo

San Jose Water Company: Water quality and environmental compliance are critical business functions

Our new customer, San Jose Water Company, is deploying our…