Cartoon of EHS stakeholders considering a cloud EHS software solution

How to choose the right EHS vendor (or, turning a minefield into a playground)

In this guest blog post, Locus Sales Engineer Remy Leaf provides some advice for EHS professionals navigating the crowded marketplace of EHS software solutions.
Water Quality

Improving Arsenic detection and keeping it out of drinking water

Arsenic, a naturally occurring element, is one of the many drinking…
SaaS for Better Environmental Stewerdship

Historic binding agreement reached to cut greenhouse gasses from HFC

There are roughly 1.6 billion new air conditioning units expected…
Locus President Wes Hawthorne at computer

A day in the presidential life

In this guest blog post, Locus President Wes Hawthorne describes a week in his shoes— from strategic meetings to hands-on support for software & services.
Locus Nuclear

Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Plant: UK approves nuclear plant deal

The British government has approved a new $24 billion nuclear…
Locus Platform Custom Workflow

Configurable software solutions—Change is good, right?

In this guest blog post, Marian Carr of Locus Technologies shares some helpful tips & tricks for organizations considering a configurable software solution.
Nuclear (radioactive) icon

Hinkley Point, the new nuclear power plant in Somerset, UK delayed by new government

Plans to build the UK's first new nuclear plant in decades, Hinkley…

EPA issues Final Rule for regulating formaldehyde emissions

Six years after the passage of the Formaldehyde Emission Standards…