Complex data - Data stewardship

12 ways commercial SaaS can save your complex environmental data (part 4/4)

In the final part of our 4-part blog series, find out how cloud environmental databases enable better data stewardship and quality assurance.
Complex data - Simultaneous usage

12 ways commercial SaaS can save your complex environmental data (part 3/4)

In part 3 of our 4-part blog series, we discuss how cloud environmental databases support simultaneous usage, scalability, complex workflows, and security.
Complex data - Data quality

12 ways commercial SaaS can save your complex environmental data (part 2/4)

In part 2 of our 4-part blog series, we discuss how cloud environmental databases improve data quality, prevent data duplication, and speed up reporting.
Organize complex data in SaaS database

12 ways commercial SaaS can save your complex environmental data (part 1/4)

Do you currently use a system of Excel spreadsheets to store your environmental data? It may be time to consider a more mature tool to manage and store your environmental data. In this 4-part blog series, we'll explore in detail each of the 12 key areas where cloud-based environmental databases excel over home-grown spreadsheets.
Locus Platform Configurability

EHS Compliance Software: The difference between configurability and customization

It is not about features and functionalities that exist in existing EHS applications, but it is about how easy it is to add, build, or configure features, functionalities, or whole new applications that may not be present today using non-developers. It is about the flexibility of the platform not about the rigidity of applications.
Locus is ready for e-Manifest

Locus is ready for e-Manifest

EPA is establishing a national system for tracking hazardous waste shipments electronically. This system, known as "e-Manifest," will modernize the nation's cradle-to-grave hazardous waste tracking process. EPA is on schedule to launch e-Manifest on June 30, 2018.
Drinking water crisis

Shape of Water: Cape Town running out of drinking water

The city cut daily water use limits first to 87 liters and then…
Locus Maritime Transport

Shipping industry to discuss cuts in CO2 emissions

International shipping produces about 1,000 million tons of CO2…
GIS+ in LANL's Intellus

WM Symposia 2018 provided an excellent showcase for Locus GIS+ in LANL’s Intellus website

At the annual WM Symposia, representatives from many different DOE sites and contractors gather once a year and discuss cross-cutting technologies and approaches for managing the legacy waste from the DOE complex. This year, Locus’ customer Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) was the featured laboratory.