Sustainability software screenshot of Locus Platform applications menu and iPad with sampling interface

Top 8 Things to Look For in Sustainability Software

Sustainability is a corporate necessity, and finding the right software to support company-wide sustainability goals and initiatives is imperative to streamlining this time-consuming activity. This is especially true if you are managing inputs from many facilities/locations or have required or optional reporting requirements.

When it comes to EHS&S, the “&S” shouldn’t be an afterthought

The forum gave us the opportunity to learn, both from our peers in discussions about EHS&S goals, and from the diverse lineup of respected speakers and presenters. You spoke and we listened.
Locus for drinking water quality monitoring

EPA to set tougher requirements for lead in water

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it would impose stricter requirements on water utilities to manage lead and copper contamination in drinking water supplies. The EPA said that tackling water pollution is a core duty of the agency.
Locus Machine Learning - Predict

Predicting Water Quality with Machine Learning

At Locus Technologies, we’re always looking for innovative ways to help water users better utilize their data. One way we can do that is with powerful technologies such as machine learning.
Infographic: 6 Benefits of EHS on AWS

Infographic: 6 Benefits of EHS on AWS

In this infographic, we have outlined a few of the ways EHS programs benefit from having an AWS-hosted solution. Locus customers recently received these benefits as a result of moving our entire infrastructure to Amazon Web Services—the world's leading cloud.
Locus Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and Environmental Compliance–Revisited–Part 4: AI, Big Data + Multi-Tenancy = The Perfect System

AI, in addition to being faster and more accurate, should make compliance easier. Companies spend too much time and effort on the comprehensive quarterly or annual reporting—only to have to duplicate the work for the next reporting period.
Locus Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and Environmental Compliance–Revisited–Part 3: Multi-Tenancy and AI

Multi-tenancy offers distinct benefits over traditional, single-tenant software hosting. A multi-tenant SaaS provider’s resources are focused on maintaining a single, current version of the application, rather than having its resources diluted in an attempt to support multiple software versions for its customers.
Locus Technologies at the NEI Radiological Conference, Orlando, 2019

Stories and conversations from this summer’s radiological workshop

Locus recently joined the nuclear power plant community in Orlando, FL for this year’s Radiological Effluents and Environmental Workshop. It’s always a pleasure to join other professionals in a space that encourages discussion, education, and awareness of industry processes and compliance.
Multi-tenant architecture

Does your EHS software have a version number?

Probably the main benefit of SaaS multi-tenancy (that is frequently overlooked during the software selection process) is no software versioning. This is because multi-tenant software typically provides a rolling upgrade program: incremental and continuous improvements.