Locus ESG Reporting

Credible ESG Reporting

Climate change is about to upend the corporate world. Companies that fail to address their impacts on the environment are likely to face a backlash as their lack of effort will not sit well with the public, particularly as climatic changes become ever more severe and prominent.
Locus Technical Support & Training

Q&A with the Locus Support Team

The biggest differentiator between Locus and other EHS software…
Locus EIM Devices

Top 10 Enhancements to Locus Environmental Software in 2020

Let’s look back on the most exciting new features and changes made in EIM, Locus' environmental data management software, during 2020!
Build your own EHS apps with Locus Platform

Top 10 Enhancements to Locus EHS Compliance Software in 2020

Let’s take a look back on the most exciting new features and changes made in Locus Platform during 2020!

5 Ways To Save With Locus

For over 20 years, Locus environmental software customers have…
Locus GIS

Utilizing the Uniqueness of GIS for Better Environmental Data Analysis

Today is GIS Day, a day started in 1999 to showcase the many uses of geographical information systems (GIS). Earlier Locus blog posts have shown how GIS supports cutting-edge visualization of objects in space and over time. This post is going to go “back to basics” and discuss what makes GIS unique and how environmental data analysis benefits from that uniqueness.
Locus - Big Data - IoT - AI

Become Water Positive with Locus

Becoming water positive is a more difficult task than becoming carbon positive. Both in practice and in tracking complex water data. Less than a decade ago, experts questioned if it was even feasible to have a net-positive impact when it comes to water.
Factory with smokestacks and pond- Locus sustainability management software solutions

Sustainability is More Important Now Than Ever

The global economy is currently being tested on a magnitude that we have never witnessed before. The effects of COVID-19 have pushed the limits of individuals, and the organizations that they run. As we collectively face short-term problems related to the pandemic, long-term effects of climate change have, in some ways, been magnified.
Locus EIM Then and Now

Then and Now: Locus Environmental Information Management

Locus was founded on the vision of online environmental data management for large volumes of complex data collected as part of environmental site investigations. Locus' Environmental Information Management (EIM) has remained the market leader in cloud environmental data management systems for over 20 years.