Locus Sustainability Metrics

Preparing for Your ESG Audit

Recently, Locus CEO Neno Duplan described the need for credible…
Locus CCR Prep | Consumer Confidence Reports

Streamline and Simplify Annual CCR Preparation

Streamline and simplify annual CCR preparation with Locus water quality software—designed for water systems to simplify the sampling, management, and reporting of drinking water data.
Microplastics in Drinking Water

Microplastics in the Environment

Humankind has produced hundreds of millions of tons of plastics since the 1950s. A relatively small proportion of these plastics (less than 10%) has been recycled; some has been incinerated; and a significant amount has been entombed in landfills.
Title V Compliance Infographic

Streamline and Save on Your Title V Reporting

Simplify your air quality data management and reporting with Locus' unified software solution. Our Air Quality application resolves most common issues with managing and submitting your site emissions data.
Locus UCMR 5 Management

How to Prepare for EPA’s Latest UCMR 5 Guidelines

Attention all water providers: the EPA's latest UCMR 4 list includes 30 new chemical contaminants that water systems have to test for and report. Can your environmental software handle it?
5 Powerful Features of Locus Environmental Software

5 Powerful Features of Locus Environmental Software

There are some powerful features that you may not know exist, as Locus software is always changing and growing and adding new features for a range of customer needs. Here are five features of our environmental software that you may not know about.
Discharge Monitoring Report Workflow

Streamline and Save on Your DMR Reporting

Thanks to Locus’ DMR tool, companies can generate DMRs within minutes with validated data in approved formats, with all of the calculations completed according to regulatory requirements.
Locus Hardhats

Top 10 OSHA Cited Violations of 2020

OSHA has released their most cited violations of the 2019 fiscal year, and perhaps unsurprisingly, they same mistakes are being made year after year.
Locus ESG Reporting Software

ESG Software

In today’s world, organizations must measure and report their environmental performance and adherence to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles.