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Locus Introduces Worldwide Accreditation of Analytical Laboratories Electronic Data Delivery

Locus Introduces Worldwide Accreditation of Analytical Laboratories Electronic Data Delivery

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., June 28, 2010 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the industry leader in web-based environmental compliance and information management software, has introduced an accreditation process for analytical laboratories to deliver analytical data into Locus’ award winning, cloud-based Environmental Information Management (EIM) system. A growing need exists for a standardized format for transmitting environmental electronic data. There are more than 15 different standards in use in the U.S. alone, most of which are antiquated. Standards in the rest of the world also lack consistency leading to increased processing costs by all consumers of analytical data. The Locus EDD accreditation process is intended to help industry and analytical laboratories drive standards, consolidation, and ultimately, the creation of error-free defendable datasets.

The formal process includes the generation and upload of test EDDs to ensure that each Laboratory Information Management System or LIMS can deliver data according to Locus EIM and customer requirements. This testing is followed up by a training session that covers how to upload EDDs into EIM and resolve common errors that may be automatically flagged as the EDDs are evaluated for errors. The objective of the accreditation process is to have laboratories gain the necessary experience and expertise to routinely deliver error-free submittals of analytical results to EIM, thus allowing the data to become actionable and consumed by consultants and site owners almost immediately.

There is a nominal accreditation processing fee and annual renewal that is easily recovered through gained efficiency. Laboratories that would like to become accredited and meet certain criteria can apply at Locus’ web site. The accreditation process may take up to 90 days. Once accredited, the labs are added to the list of accredited labs on the Locus web site. During the initial round, Locus accredited the following laboratories: US: TestAmerica (TN and CA), Accutest (NJ and MA), Calscience (CA), Lancaster Labs (PA), Columbia Analytical, Air Toxics, BC Laboratories, Del Mar Analytical, Merit Labs, Xenco Labs, and Oilfield Environmental and Compliance, Inc; Worldwide: Maxxam, Canada; BMG Engineering, Switzerland, ALS Environmental, Australia, Wessling Laboratory, France, Eurofins (Analytis), Germany, CHELAB s.r.l., Italy, LAV s.r.l., Italy, Analytico Milieu n.v., Netherlands, Pace Labs, Puerto Rico, and Pro Analysis, Argentina.

In 2007 Locus introduced a set of standard Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) formats for the reporting of environmental laboratory analytical data. Since that time, Locus has witnessed exponential growth in the number of EDDs submitted from the laboratories directly into the company’s flagship product, EIM™. Locus customers, analytical laboratories, and consulting companies have benefited from the standardized format and automated workflow process for transmitting EDDs directly into EIM via the web, bypassing the manual email-based approach, thus significantly reducing processing and rework costs.

The contents and flexibility of the Locus EDD formats permit data to be validated on arrival into EIM to EPA’s Level II, if a customer so desires. Locus envisions its formats to be transitional for the companies and laboratories that are not yet ready to adopt XML-based technology, but are tired of dealing with multiple and antiquated file formats, which only serve to increase costs. In addition, some of the old format “standards” suffer from the requirement that data be submitted in multiple files, while other formats have antiquated requirements related to field lengths or valid values that originated at a time when hard disk space was at a premium. Locus’ EDDs eliminate these requirements.

“Locus believes that the promulgation of a standardized single-file format will allow laboratories to reduce the costs of creating EDDs, minimize errors in the transmission and reporting of data, and more quickly support new EIM clients while reducing processing costs,” said Locus’ president and CEO, Neno Duplan.

TestAmerica President and CEO Rachel Brydon Jannetta offered, “Our clients are acutely focused on data management and deliverables challenges and it is key to our mission to provide solutions in this regard. Whenever we can work with a firm such as Locus to enhance the link from the lab data to environmental decision making, we know we have added value to our client’s objectives.”

“As the leader in environmental data management software, Locus strives to provide guidance, direction, and endorsement to the best ideas in an effort to standardize data management processes. Such efforts are sorely needed in an industry that is experiencing explosive growth in the volume of analytical testing. Currently, there are more than 15 different standards for analytical data submittals, and this needs to change. We believe that the standards that Locus has introduced and that much of the industry now follows, coupled with our accreditation program, will help drive greater uniformity, lower overall costs, and lead to better and faster reporting of environmental data,” added Neno Duplan.

Locus’ flexible EDD processing tool will continue to support all major regulatory driven standards such as U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) based Staged Electronic Data Deliverable (SEDD) format and the State of California’s Water Resources Control Board AB2886 reporting requirements also known as EDF.


TestAmerica is the leading environmental testing firm in the United States, including 36 laboratories and 33 service centers. TestAmerica provides innovative technical expertise and comprehensive analytical testing services. Specialty analyses include source and ambient air, aquatic toxicity, explosives, specialty organics, dioxins, drinking water, sediments and tissues, emerging contaminants, radiochemistry and mixed waste testing.

For more information, visit or contact Mr. James H. Miller, Vice President, at 716.691.2600