Better Permit Management for Construction Projects

Managing a wide range of projects, from simple demolitions to complex building construction or redesigns requires a variety of permits needed before the actual work can begin. Most software focuses on managing Permits to Obligations and Tasks but viewing them through the lens of a Project is slightly different. When viewing through the Project lens, you first have to determine the permits required for each project. Once you have those, you must then go about obtaining them and tracking them. This is where Locus Platform’s flexibility shines. Locus enables users to follow their individual business processes focusing on the Projects versus simple permit tracking.

If you are responsible for obtaining permits for ongoing projects, there can be hundreds of permits to obtain and maintain each year, depending on the size of your organization. These permits vary from long term permits, to those only needed during the duration of the Project. Regardless, the Project Team depends on the Permit Team to obtain the permits and ensure work can start. To make all this work, the Permit Team needs to know detailed information about the project that affects the types of permits required. Locus Platform assists all team members with a central location where collaboration is shared on a platform that is easily viewable and searchable. Locus Platform can track all phases of the project, and allows for different team members to have limited or full access, depending on need. The Platform assists with the workflow required to track the Project such as following the steps to:

  • Create the Project.
  • Identify key project information. (cost, schedule, environmental impacts, land disturbance, sensitive habitats, etc.)
  • Review information.
  • Identify and obtain the necessary permits.
  • Apply any existing site or company wide requirements, such as sustainability goals.
  • Track the progress and permits from application to receipt.
  • Assign and track responsible parties to tasks and obligations with automated notifications.
  • Easily track actions at the project and permit level across various organizational levels. (e.g., how many permits did the XYZ division need last year and how long did it take to obtain them?)
  • Complete and close out the project.

Once Locus understands your company business processes and workflows, we can configure the Project form to meet your needs. Harness the power of our out-of-the-box regulatory apps for the heavy lifting to track, manage, and send out reminder notifications until the projects are completed.

This approach is well suited for larger organizations that centralize permit management and have a large number of projects of varying durations going on all the time. If this sounds like your organization, reach out. Locus is always happy to discuss how our configurable Platform, with a project lens overlay, can make your existing processes smoother and more collaborative and enhance visibility into the permitting and tracking process.

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