Improving Workplace Safety with Incident Management Software

Maintaining the safety of employees and equipment is a top priority for companies across the world. One step of the process is predicting and responding to dangerous incidents. Locus offers numerous tools to make workplace safety hassle-free and affordable. 

Our Incident Management application is supported by Task and Compliance (corrective action) software. This is a valuable tool for scheduling inspections and other preventative measures, tracking and reporting incidents as they occur, and developing a strategy for addressing the blind spots they reveal. 

Prevent Incidents 

While the Incident Management application is primarily for reporting incidents, Locus Platform offers other preemptive avoidance strategies. 

Our Task and Regulatory applications are valuable compliance tools that ensure your organization meets safety standards, whether assigned by a governing body or your own organization.  

Record specific requirements, such as a regular inspection plan, and attach regulatory tasks with email notifications to ensure they are met. These tasks can be set to recur as often as they are required. 

A strong notification network and recurring tasks keep your organization from missing any safety checks and stop harmful incidents in their tracks. 

Track Incidents 

Locus Platform’s Incidents application guides you through the incident reporting process, providing space to track the incident itself and your investigation into its cause. 

For more detailed reporting, the application divides incidents into several different types, including Injury/Illness, Spills, Near Misses/Great Catches, and Fire. The incidents can also be broken down by OSHA Recordable or not Recordable.  

The Incident Application workflow is divided into three main stages: recording the incident, conducting an investigation, and creating corrective actions.  

Depending on the incident type, unique sections of the record appear, allowing you to record specific information such as the injury sustained or treatment location. Notifications are sent to different users based on the Incident Level selected. Locus Platform’s notification system keeps users informed about developing incidents, allowing for a quick crisis response. 

The next step is the Incident Analysis, a series of questions requiring an on-site investigation. These questions guide you toward an effective crisis response considering the root cause and risk factor of the incident. Locus Platform makes it easy to involve multiple parties and get oversight in the investigation. 

When the time comes to report on workplace safety, Locus Platform will auto-fill templates of required OSHA forms for the Recordable Injury and Illness Incidents. Users can also download Excel files listing all recorded incidents. 

Respond to Incidents 

When accompanied by our Task and Compliance software, Locus Platform’s Incident application can be used for the most important safety task—preventing future incidents. 

After finishing an Incident Analysis and determining the steps that must be taken to address the cause of the incident, you can create Corrective Actions to ensure they are completed.  

Use a simple form to make Corrective Actions and assign them to users or managers. Locus Platform automatically generates notifications for these Actions, which are sent by email at selected intervals (monthly, weekly, daily, recurring every n9th day of the month, and many more options) and on either side of the due date. This ensures that corrective steps are taken in a timely manner. 

It’s also possible to create separate tasks related to general preparatory work, such as inspections and audits. Locus Platform centralizes all this software and gives you complete control through user groups and facilities.  

Reach out to our team today to learn how Locus Platform can enhance your incident reporting infrastructure and keep your employees safe from harm. 

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