Todd Pierce on GIS Day 2024

Today is GIS Day!!

Sometimes the significance of data gets lost in grids and tables.

Imagine being a resident of Asheville, NC, and trying to understand how safe the water is after Hurricane Helene. A map showing water quality data relative to your home address is far more impactful than rows and columns of data points. To celebrate the impact of GIS, we’ve produced a short video to demonstrate the difference.

The video starts with an overview of the e.coli and coliform sampling data and the City’s use of chlorine to treat the water in different areas of town. But if you’re short on time, jump to the 00:06:30 mark to see our Locus EIM time-slider in action! The GIS visualization shows how the chlorine levels near our product manager’s home have normalized over the past 6 weeks. Cool stuff!

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