Santa Clara Valley Water District selects Locus Technologies for groundwater program

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., September 9, 2006 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the leading groundwater consultant, announced today that the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) selected Locus to perform a cutting edge forensic study on perchlorate at the Llagas Groundwater Subbasin in the Morgan Hill area of California.

Locus will have to obtain scientifically defensible data of known quality, because of the sensitive nature associated with SCVWD’s Perchlorate Source and Background Studies. Locus will develop a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) designed to maximize precision, accuracy, representation, compatibility, and completeness of the data set, while minimizing the potential for false negatives and false positives. The work includes preparation of the
QAPP, geostatistical analyses to select representative wells for the study, sampling, isotope and geochemical analyses, and final findings and reporting. Because of the sensitivity of this work, Locus teamed with the best researchers in isotope and geostatistical analyses. Locus’s web-based, award-winning information management technologies, such as EIM and the LocusFocus portal, will be used to manage data and information associated with the project.

This award cements Locus’s reputation as a company on the forefront of the high-end environmental consulting business on complex groundwater contamination problems.

“This is an important win for us and comes to us at the time when our perchlorate-related groundwater consulting practice is rapidly expanding,” said Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus Technologies.

Mr. Elie Haddad, Vice President of Locus’s Services and Solutions Division and the manager of the program added, “We are very pleased to be selected by SCVWD for this important groundwater study. Locus was selected through a competitive bidding process, among many fine consulting firms, because of our extraordinary project team that brought a unique approach, scientific ideas, information management technology, and program management skills to the table. We look forward to working with SCVWD and to continuing expanding on the advantage we built over the last decade as the leading consultant for complex groundwater issues in the Silicon Valley.”

Project execution will come primarily from Locus’s office in Mountain View, California.

Locus and Lancaster Labs team to bring Powered by Locus to customers

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., September 15, 2006 — Locus Technologies, the industry leader in environmental information management, and Lancaster Laboratories, one of the largest single-site commercial testing laboratories in the nation, today announced the release of Lancaster Labs “Powered by Locus” online service to help consultants, industrial clients, and regulatory agencies prepare and evaluate their analytical data.

“Powered by Locus” is an exciting new online environmental data service that Lancaster is able to offer its customers. Lancaster, one of the many analytical laboratories that use Locus’s Environmental Information Management System (EIM) to deliver electronic analytical and environmental data to their customers, was so impressed with EIM’s ability to manage electronic data from analytical laboratories, that they wanted to incorporate Locus’s
technology into their own data delivery process.

Using Powered by Locus, Lancaster provides their customers with access to analytical data and gives them the ability to download the data in customizable report formats. Customers get their data through a user-friendly online system available 24/7. Customers can work with Lancaster to customize their data interface, or they can create their own electronic data formats, with the ability to check their data with site-specific valid values.

Lancaster Labs President, Wilson Hershey, Ph.D. states, “We’re excited to offer Powered by Locus to our clients. Lancaster Labs’ strength in electronic data generation and the Powered by Locus tools will enable our clients to access and output Lancaster Labs data in the format that best suits their data reporting needs. This system provides the flexibility to create reports, sort, and summarize data to meet our clients’ many data reporting requirements. We think Powered by Locus will be a valuable tool for consultants and industrial clients and
will enable them to reduce both their time and costs associated with electronic data processing.”

According to Locus Technologies President and CEO, Neno Duplancic, “Powered by Locus is a natural extension of our leading-edge online environmental data management software services. We have developed a tool for analytical labs to better serve their customers that avoids costly and risky submittals of Electronic Data Deliverables as e-mail attachments, while improving data integrity, quality, and security. Labs already using EIM know of our capabilities and are eager to introduce our products to their customers. Powered by Locus is a perfect way to streamline delivery of laboratory analytical data through a web-based channel. We think this is a great fit for both companies and their existing customers, and we are excited to be able to reach additional customers.”

Using SEDD Files With the Web-Based Environmental Information Monitoring (EIM) System

Todd Pierce, The 20th Annual National Environmental Management Conference

Locus first EIM user conference and training day is a success!

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., 28 October 2004 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the leader in environmental information management, today announced that it successfully held its first Environmental Information Management™ (EIM™) user conference and training at ChevronTexaco’s Corporate Headquarters in San Ramon, California, on October 14 and 15, 2004. EIM is the flagship application in Locus’s award-winning, LocusFocus web-based portal, which is used to manage environmental data at thousands of sites worldwide.

The event was attended by more than 25 firms, including government groups, corporations, environmental consulting firms, analytical laboratories and professional data validators. Participants came from around the country to learn advanced EIM skills, meet EIM users and programmers, and attend presentations showing how EIM is used in a variety of applications.

The sold-out event gave the attendees an opportunity to expand their skills and work with EIM’s powerful scalable-vector graphics (SVG) module to create soil borings, cross sections, and a range of custom maps, all from within EIM. Locus also introduced new web-based reporting tool features, previewed report automation tool, and demonstrated an expanded version of eWell, Locus’s PDA application for streamlining field data collection.

“We have been overwhelmed by the response to our first user conference. Attendance, interest level, the range of participants, and quality of presentations exceeded all our expectations. What was especially gratifying was to see the ‘wheels turning’ when new approaches were discussed and new features were highlighted. We are confident that users left the conference with new and efficient ways to use EIM for meeting site and enterprise environmental data management needs,” said Dr. Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus Technologies.

1-4 Dioxane Treatment in Mountain View, Calif.

Pollution Engineering, Casebook

Mountain View, Calif. 1 July 2004 — As the consultant for a Fortune 500 semiconductor company at the San Francisco Bay Area Superfund site, Locus Technologies was facing a number of challenges. In 2003, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board requested that the effluent of all treatment facilities within the Superfund site be sampled for 1,4-dioxane. Data obtained during these tests indicated that 1,4-dioxane was present in the effluent at levels of 15 ppb, whereas the statutory discharge limit for 1,4-dioxane was 5 ppb. Additionally, local residents had raised concerns that airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCs) should not be discharged into the atmosphere. Based on these issues, Locus’s client desire to replace its existing air stripping/vapor carbon/aqueous carbon polishing treatmrnt technolgy with an innovative treatment technology that would:

  • Remove or destroy VOCs and 1,4-dioxane
  • Provide cost-efficient treatment
  • Be easily expandable in the future
  • Be able to meet projected EPA discharge requirements

The design flow rate for the treatment system was 50 gpm. Influent groundwater concentrations had a significant bearing on both the capital and the operation and maintenance (O&M) costs for the required treatment technology. The design influent concentrations are shown in Table 1.

During the early stages of the design process, Locus personnel brought a mobile advanced ozone/peroxide pilot treatment facility known as ozone peroxide, to the site. The engineers also ran a series of performance tests on the actual groundwater. Meanwhile, groundwater samples were sent to various UV/peroxide manufacturers and equipment suppliers so as to obtain process design requirements, capital price quotations and O&M cost for each of the various process treatment systems being considered.

Based on data from pilot studies, treatability studies and evaluations using carbon isotherms, each of the equipment suppliers was able to provide lump sum capital and guaranteed O&M costs for the influent groundwater specified (see Table 1). The scope of services specified for this treatment project were quite specific and required forfeiture of equipment costs should the treatment process not meet the discharge requirements and/or the O&M costs exceed those values provided. Plugging the design groundwater specified into its equations the manufacturers provided equipment capital cost pricing and annual O&M cost. Locus presented its findings in a Basis of Design Report that determined the construction cost and 15-year total present value for each system. Based on the strength of both pilot study results and guaranteed capital and O&M costs, the client chose to proceed with the ozone perioxide system.

Locus proceeded to order the specified equipment and begin construction. Following installation of the equipment, the manufacturers started and operated the treatment system for a period of one week. During that time, the company’s personnel carried out a detailed performance test to verify the destruction efficiency of the process and calculate the actual cost to operate the system. After completing the test phase, the manufacturer provided filed training for the Locus O&M staff.

Locus personnel discovered satisfactorily that the ozone peroxide system completely destroyed 1,4-dioxane without producing measurable air emissions. The fully automated system utilized multiple ozone injection points that increased treatment efficiency. Ozone was injected at high pressure to improve its solubility and thus reduce operational costs. The system could be easily expanded to accommodate changes in flow rates or contaminant concentration. costs to operate the system were very definable and reliable.

The ozone peroxide system has operated flawlessly since it was commissioned in December 2003 and maintained consistent effluent results. Furthermore, the O&M costs have remained below those values that were guaranteed in the original equipment proposal.

For more information about the remediation of 1,4-dioxane and the use of the treatment system at the San Francisco Bay Area Superfund Site, visit

Locus Wins Geothermal, Inc. Facility Closure Project

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, 6 October 2003 — Locus Technologies (Locus), a leader in environmental consulting and construction services, announced today that it has been awarded a contract to provide design-build services for closure of the Geothermal Inc. (GI) Facility Closure Project. The contract will be performed over a three-year period.

The GI Facility is an inactive disposal facility located near Middletown, Lake County, California. The facility includes seven surface impoundments and two disposal trenches that accepted liquid and solid waste from the geothermal energy exploration and production fields. The non-hazardous waste is a mixture of geothermal well drilling fluids and other geothermal power plant wastes. The three-year facility closure will consist of completing the final engineering design and necessary closure documents, obtaining necessary permits, and performing closure construction activities. The waste will be solidified and capped with a low-permeability engineered closure cover system consisting of a geomembrane barrier layer, geocomposite drainage layer, and clean vegetated soil cover. Pond liquids will be treated using reverse-osmosis and thin-film solar evaporation technologies. In addition, phytoremediation will be used to lower groundwater to achieve the required separation from the waste. Disposal trenches will be excavated, solidified, and consolidated into the closure cells. When implemented, closure will assure the long-term protection of human health and environment.

GI’s owners and operators abandoned the site in 1986 and filed for bankruptcy before posting their required closure bond. Consequently, 17 companies that disposed of material at GI are financing the closure. A Site Management Committee with top environmental staff from five of the companies has been planning the closure. Under the contract, Locus will provide turnkey professional consulting, engineering, and construction services for remedial

“We are very pleased to be selected by the GI Site Management Committee to close the GI site. This further demonstrates Locus’s ability to provide turnkey consulting and construction services to our clients on complex, multidisciplinary soil and groundwater sites. We will be working closely with the Cooperating Entities, other specialty consultants, regulators, and the public to implement the remedy and restore the site,” said Dr. Neno
Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus Technologies.

Locus teams with MCC to provide accelerated groundwater remediation technology

WALNUT CREEK, Calif., 1 November 2002 — Locus Technologies (Locus), a global leader in environmental engineering, remediation and information management, announced today an exclusive teaming agreement with MCC Technology, Inc. (MCC) in the application of their patented Closed-Loop Bioreactor Technology. As part of its joint application and marketing partnership with MCC, Locus will be offering this remediation technology to its existing Fortune 500 client base and prospective new clients. MCC has committed to supporting Locus with the operational infrastructure and on-site operation of the remediation technology. The patented Closed-Loop Bioreactor Technology is gaining considerable interest in the engineering community for its ability to rapidly remove phase separated hydrocarbons from groundwater, often in less than 60 days. Likewise, it has the ability dissolve groundwater contaminants quickly, often within a 9-month period or less. Locus believes this technology will offer clients the ability to rapidly obtain closure for their groundwater sites, often in less than a year. The system is effective on common fuel constituents, such as BTEX, as well as pervasive additives, such as MTBE.

“The application of the Closed-Loop Bioreactor Technology will make the closure of complicated groundwater sites a reality. Clients can now make informed business decisions about the value of impaired properties in months, rather than years. Our system will reduce project cleanup schedules often by as much as 75%, allowing the value of impaired property to be realized and credited. Closure costs can now be more precisely defined, with substantial savings compared to traditional technology. The Closed-Loop Bioreactor delivers yet another powerful tool to Locus’s arsenal of cost savings technologies designed to lower cost at environmentally impacted sites,” said Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus Technologies.


MCC provides long-term remediation of soil and groundwater caused by contamination of hydrocarbon-based pollutants. With more than 15 years of experience in remediation, the patented Bio-Sparge(SM) system has recently been approved as an innovative technology for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

Locus advises Adtranz and Lucchini Group on sale of manufacturing facilities in United Kingdom and Sweden

PARIS, FRANCE AND WALNUT CREEK, CA., 17 November 2000 — Locus Technologies International, LLC (Locus), a fully owned subsidiary of Locus Technologies, today announced that they acted as environmental consultant to ADtranz and Lucchini Group for environmental due diligence and site investigation during sale of ADtranz Wheelset manufacturing facilities in Manchester, UK and Surahammar, Sweden to the Lucchini Group of Brescia, Italy. The ADtranz facilities being sold produce approximately 50,000 wheels and some 3,200 assembled wheelsets annually for various railway applications. Together, the ADtranz Wheelset plants have more than two centuries of experience in the production of wheels, with the first such activities dating back to 1866 in Surahammar and 1908 in Manchester. Locus performed fast-track field investigation at the Surahammar facility and supervised field investigation performed at the Manchester site. Locus also assisted in review of legal documents and insurance guarantees related to environmental liabilities.

“We are very pleased that Locus was selected to assist ADtranz and Lucchini with this important transaction,” said Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus. “Locus was able to mobilize necessary resources in a short period of time and perform field investigation at manufacturing facilities that have been in operation over a century. This performance demonstrates our ability to provide excellent services to our clients around the globe on short notice. We are also pleased that Lucchini has expanded its relationship with Locus from environmental projects in France and Italy to include newly acquired sites in the UK and Sweden. We believe application of Locus’s award-winning Internet portal, LocusFocus™, to these environmental projects is a big reason for this expansion.”

The Lucchini Group, with 20 plants throughout Europe (10 in Italy, nine in France, and one in Poland), is a leader in the manufacturing of quality long-steel products. The Lucchini Group has annual revenues of 1.7 billion Euros. ADtranz is a leading global provider of railway services, systems, and rolling stock and operates under the legal name “DaimlerChrysler Rail Systems” and had 1999 total sales of 3.5 billion Euros.”

Monitoring Waste From a Safe Distance

ENR Magazine

Walnut Creek, Calif., 7 August 2000 — Locus Technologies announced June 26 that its Environment Information Management System has finished a testing period and is now being offered as a Web-based application.

Locus provides consulting, engineering and construction management services to help solve design and construction problems associated with hazardous materials handling and other waste management tasks.

The company’s EIMS system manages the large amounts of sampling, analytical, and geotechnical data that is typically collected during the investigation and cleanup of contaminated waste sites.

The system can be used to plan and schedule sampling events, input field data, upload electronic data from analytical laboratories, produce downloadable reports and files, perform statistical and trend analysis, and create and display plots and other graphics. It also is capable of sophisticated numerical modeling for surface water, groundwater and air and contaminant migration.

“We have a very comprehensive Website where we manage all information associated with contaminated sites,” says Neno Duplancic, Locus president and CEO. “We not only manage it but also provide a means to interpret the data and use automated systems that are plugged into the same Website to control treatment itself. We can press the buttons on the screen and turn on the pumps all over the world.”

Duplancic says the software can “eliminate the need for somebody to sit in a pickup truck and go to the site to change a filter or turn on a pump.”

By Tom Sawyer

Locus Technologies awarded groundwater contract at Singer-Friden Site in San Leandro, Calif.

WALNUT CREEK, Calif., 24 May 2000 — Locus Technologies (Locus) today announced that they were awarded a contract for construction of the groundwater treatment system for the Singer-Friden site in San Leandro, CA.

The contract was awarded by URS Corporation of San Francisco, California, who designed the project under contract to the California Environmental Protection Agency’s Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). The construction work to be performed by Locus is the final part of the clean up of solvents in the groundwater underneath the Singer-Friden site. These actions being taken were outlined in the Remedial Action Plan approved for the site in 1995. Locus’s scope of work includes completing the groundwater extraction well system, installing conveyance piping, constructing a fully automated groundwater treatment plant designed for remote operation, and startup and shakedown services.

“This is obviously an important win for us,” said Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus Technologies. “It demonstrates our competitiveness and ability to provide the full range of services that are required for cleaning up contaminated groundwater. We are happy that our experience constructing advanced automated groundwater treatment
systems has allowed us to compete successfully for this major project at the DTSC-Singer-Friden site.” With this award, Locus reinforces its position as the nation’s leading provider of groundwater services. Locus is a pioneer in the use of Internet technologies to automate groundwater treatment and information management through their LocusFocusTM web portal.

Project execution will come jointly from Locus Technologies’ offices in Mountain View and Walnut Creek, California. The contract requires construction to be completed within 60 days. Construction is to begin immediately.