Locus adds Port of Los Angeles, the largest port in the U.S., as a customer

Locus Technologies selected by the busiest port in the United States

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., May 5, 2008 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the industry leader in specialty environmental services and web-based environmental software, has been selected by the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners to perform environmental site assessment, soil and groundwater investigation and cleanup, environmental compliance assessment and environmental information management services for the Port of Los Angeles. The agreement with Locus is valued at $1,890,000 for a 3-year period.

Mr. Paul Parmentier, Locus’ Southern California regional manager, will be project manager for the Port of Los Angeles project. The contract further consolidates Locus’ presence in the rapidly expanding and fiercely competitive California transportation market. Locus is happy to be one of the Port’s principal environmental partners. The Port of Los Angeles, a premier US gateway for international trade and commerce, is located in San Pedro Bay, just 20 miles south of downtown Los Angeles. This booming seaport is not only considered the busiest port in the US with its record-setting cargo operations, but is also known for its groundbreaking environmental initiatives and progressive security measures. The Port encompasses 7500 acres, 43 miles of waterfront and features 27 cargo terminals, including dry and liquid bulk, container, breakbulk, and automobile and omni facilities.

The Port project will be supported by Locus’ cutting edge flagship environmental management software product, ePortal, a web-based platform that runs key environmental data management applications. Locus’ ePortal leverages Web 2.0 technologies such as Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), mashups and vertical searches. It also stores and organizes all of the customer’s environmental data and information. Locus is the only environmental services organization able to offer such powerful data management and organization capabilities to its clients.

“Locus is pleased to support the massive operations at the Port of Los Angeles with our unique blend of environmental consulting and management. This project is an example of the specialized consulting and advanced information management services Locus provides our clientele that result in faster and less expensive remedy selection, implementation, and ultimate site closure,” said Mr. Parmantier, Locus’ Southern California Regional Manager for Locus Technologies.

“We are very pleased to add another Port client on the list of transportation companies that Locus has served since its inception. Our expertise for environmental liability management, coupled with the state-of-the art technology for environmental management was the winning combination that resulted in the Port of Los Angeles choosing our company,” added Mr. Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus.

Republic Services Selects Locus’s EIM™ Software for Environmental Data Management

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., September 11, 2007  — Locus Technologies (Locus), the market and technology leader in on-demand environmental data and information management services, today announced that Republic Services, Inc., has selected Locus’s award-winning Environmental Information Management (EIM™) software to organize and manage data collected at their Countywide Services facility in East Sparta, Ohio. As an On-Demand web-based solution, EIM meets all their project requirements for environmental data management, allowing for quick deployment and multi-party access.

Republic Services, Inc., is a leading provider of solid waste collection, transfer, and disposal services in the United States. The company’s operating units are focused on providing solid waste services for commercial, industrial, municipal, and residential customers. The Countywide Services facility joins more than 35,000 existing EIM sites of all sizes, industries, and locations that comprise Locus’s customer base. Republic Services selected EIM as the best choice to meet stringent regulatory deadlines that require expedited sampling, analysis, reporting, and regulatory data submittals. The EIM environmental data management system played a pivotal role in complying with the regulatory requirements by providing a completely off-the shelf software solution and fast deployment. Locus’s skilled environmental data managers supported Republic Services to get multiple labs and project teams up and running in record time.

“Before EIM, Republic’s site did not have an environmental data management system that could be quickly deployed, and accept electronic submissions from analytical laboratories. EIM allows Republic Services to quickly share data on this fast-track project, while reducing the data management effort and cost.” said Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus. “Republic Services chose EIM software, because it came equipped with what they needed, allowing direct upload of laboratory data, subsurface and air emissions data management, quick and easy export of data to regulatory agencies, and easy collaboration for a geographically disperse project team – all key elements of this project. By using Locus’s environmental software, this project is now on the cutting edge of technologies that use data visualization, mashups, automated data validation, and project collaboration tools which resemble popular social networking technologies that serve as the core to Locus’s Web 2.0 offerings. Locus is proud to be contributing to the success of companies of all sizes, in all industries, around the globe, including Republic Services, one of the nation’s largest waste management companies.”

Santa Clara Valley Water District selects Locus Technologies for recycled water study

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., August 25, 2007 — The Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) selected Locus Technologies to perform a study of potential groundwater impacts from expanded use of recycled water for irrigation in the Santa Clara and Llagas Groundwater Sub-basins, California.

For this project, Locus will be using several investigative techniques to assess the potential impact to groundwater from use of recycled water. In addition to fate and transport evaluation of recycled water chemicals of concern, such as NDMA, HAA5, and trace metals, Locus will perform soil core bench tests and conduct a full-scale pilot test to monitor chemical concentrations as recycled water percolates through the vadose zone. From these tests, Locus will assess the soil aquifer treatment capacity, evaluate the potential of recharged recycled water to degrade the groundwater quality, and develop water quality standards for the recycled water to be used in the Llagas and Santa Clara Groundwater Sub-basins. To help the stakeholders in their practice, Locus will identify best management practices for irrigating with recycled water and identify necessary ongoing monitoring requirements to protect groundwater resources.

This award cements Locus’s reputation as a company on the forefront of the high-end environmental consulting business on complex groundwater problems.

“This is an important win for us at the time when companies and government are under pressure to achieve sustainability goals,” said Mr. Elie Haddad, Vice President of Locus’s Environmental Services Division. “On one hand, there is a push to reuse recycled water, and, on the other hand, this reuse should not degrade our precious groundwater resources. Our study will bring the balance between what seems to be competing goals. We are very pleased to be selected through a competitive bidding process by SCVWD for this important groundwater study. We look forward to continue partnering with industry and local governmental agencies to protect the precious Silicon Valley groundwater resources and provide long term stewardship for this most important resource.” added Haddad.

Project execution will come primarily from Locus’s office in Mountain View, California.

Locus and Lancaster Labs team to bring Powered by Locus to customers

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., September 15, 2006 — Locus Technologies, the industry leader in environmental information management, and Lancaster Laboratories, one of the largest single-site commercial testing laboratories in the nation, today announced the release of Lancaster Labs “Powered by Locus” online service to help consultants, industrial clients, and regulatory agencies prepare and evaluate their analytical data.

“Powered by Locus” is an exciting new online environmental data service that Lancaster is able to offer its customers. Lancaster, one of the many analytical laboratories that use Locus’s Environmental Information Management System (EIM) to deliver electronic analytical and environmental data to their customers, was so impressed with EIM’s ability to manage electronic data from analytical laboratories, that they wanted to incorporate Locus’s
technology into their own data delivery process.

Using Powered by Locus, Lancaster provides their customers with access to analytical data and gives them the ability to download the data in customizable report formats. Customers get their data through a user-friendly online system available 24/7. Customers can work with Lancaster to customize their data interface, or they can create their own electronic data formats, with the ability to check their data with site-specific valid values.

Lancaster Labs President, Wilson Hershey, Ph.D. states, “We’re excited to offer Powered by Locus to our clients. Lancaster Labs’ strength in electronic data generation and the Powered by Locus tools will enable our clients to access and output Lancaster Labs data in the format that best suits their data reporting needs. This system provides the flexibility to create reports, sort, and summarize data to meet our clients’ many data reporting requirements. We think Powered by Locus will be a valuable tool for consultants and industrial clients and
will enable them to reduce both their time and costs associated with electronic data processing.”

According to Locus Technologies President and CEO, Neno Duplancic, “Powered by Locus is a natural extension of our leading-edge online environmental data management software services. We have developed a tool for analytical labs to better serve their customers that avoids costly and risky submittals of Electronic Data Deliverables as e-mail attachments, while improving data integrity, quality, and security. Labs already using EIM know of our capabilities and are eager to introduce our products to their customers. Powered by Locus is a perfect way to streamline delivery of laboratory analytical data through a web-based channel. We think this is a great fit for both companies and their existing customers, and we are excited to be able to reach additional customers.”

Locus obtains certified status in Microsoft Partner Program

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., 26 January 2005, — Locus Technologies (Locus), a leader in environmental information management, today announced that it has earned Microsoft Certified Partner status for software developed as part of Locus’s award-winning LocusFocusSM suite of environmental business solutions. The LocusFocus suite is a web-based environmental data management system – EIM™, along with Locus’s other environmental portal software applications for document management, environmental remediation system automation, waste management, and the soon-to-be-released air data management module.

“Only companies that have demonstrated high levels of customer service, proved their experience, and attained advanced certification receive the designation of Microsoft Certified Partner,” said Allison Watson, vice president of the Worldwide Partner Sales and Marketing Group at Microsoft. “Today, Microsoft recognizes Locus Technologies for its skills and expertise in providing customer satisfaction with Microsoft products and technology.”

Locus is pleased that its industry leading, web-based environmental database is based on Microsoft technology. “We find the Microsoft name to be immensely valuable when selling systems to Fortune 100 companies who value EIM’s Microsoft database engine behind the scenes,” said Dr. Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus. “With more than 5,000 sites worldwide and millions of environmental records being managed in EIM, it’s clear that having a Microsoft database engine is a key differentiator in the marketplace and provides our clients with a high degree confidence in our systems.”

Microsoft appreciates companies like Locus that have skills and expertise in providing customer satisfaction with Microsoft products and technology. Microsoft Certified Partner status proves a high degree of competency and expertise with Microsoft technologies. Standards for acceptance into Microsoft Partner community are strict. To achieve Microsoft Certified Partner status, Locus satisfied Microsoft Competency requirements by proving its
ability and proficiency to develop high-quality products and software solutions based on Microsoft technologies.

“We are extremely pleased to have earned certified status in the Microsoft Partner Program. The certified status allows us to promote our relationship with Microsoft to our customers. The benefits provided through our certified membership will allow us to continue to enhance the offerings that we provide for customers,” added Dr. Duplancic.

The Microsoft Partner Program was launched in December 2003 and represents Microsoft’s ongoing commitment to the success of partners worldwide. The Microsoft Partner Program offers a single, integrated partnering framework that recognizes partner expertise, rewards the total impact that partners have in the technology marketplace, and delivers more value to help partners’ businesses be successful.

SLAC to implement LocusFocus environmental data system

System to Help SLAC Uphold a Commitment to Environmental Stewardship

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., 14 January 2004 — Locus Technologies (Locus), a global leader in environmental information management, today announced that Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) selected its web-based Environmental Information Management System (EIM[TM]) and LocusFocus(SM) environmental portal for management of important environmental data and information at their 430-acre Stanford campus located in Menlo
Park, California. EIM™ and the LocusFocus(SM) environmental portal are award-winning web-based tools for enterprise environmental information management.

Locus’s environmental data management system will be used by SLAC as a key part of their commitment to environmental stewardship. LocusFocus(SM) will be used to support SLAC’s environmental management needs, including data consolidation, multimedia evaluations, environmental restoration data analysis and reporting (including reporting California GeoTracker EDF format), document management, graphical analysis, statistical analysis, and spatial analysis and mapping.

“We are very pleased to have been selected by SLAC to provide solutions and support to the complex world of environmental data management,” said Dr. Neno Duplancic, president and CEO of Locus Technologies. “What is especially gratifying is that LocusFocus(SM) was selected after an exhaustive analysis of competing systems and approaches. We are proud to be the solution that will help SLAC achieve a more focused, streamlined, and quality focused data management process that will help them achieve their long-term goals in environmental stewardship,” added Dr. Duplancic.

Locus’s EIM™ and LocusFocus(SM) web-based environmental data management systems provide clients a streamlined, easy to use, easy to access, comprehensive package to manage the wealth of data and information collected and developed as part of environmental activities. As the first system developed for the web, LocusFocus(SM) gives clients instant and universal access to data previously stored in non-integrated diverse silo systems. As part of Locus’s services, their data migration experts will assist clients in efficiently resolving historical data issues and creating economical, useful, secure, and accessible web-based data for all team members to share, collaborate, report, and archive.

Locus Wins Geothermal, Inc. Facility Closure Project

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, 6 October 2003 — Locus Technologies (Locus), a leader in environmental consulting and construction services, announced today that it has been awarded a contract to provide design-build services for closure of the Geothermal Inc. (GI) Facility Closure Project. The contract will be performed over a three-year period.

The GI Facility is an inactive disposal facility located near Middletown, Lake County, California. The facility includes seven surface impoundments and two disposal trenches that accepted liquid and solid waste from the geothermal energy exploration and production fields. The non-hazardous waste is a mixture of geothermal well drilling fluids and other geothermal power plant wastes. The three-year facility closure will consist of completing the final engineering design and necessary closure documents, obtaining necessary permits, and performing closure construction activities. The waste will be solidified and capped with a low-permeability engineered closure cover system consisting of a geomembrane barrier layer, geocomposite drainage layer, and clean vegetated soil cover. Pond liquids will be treated using reverse-osmosis and thin-film solar evaporation technologies. In addition, phytoremediation will be used to lower groundwater to achieve the required separation from the waste. Disposal trenches will be excavated, solidified, and consolidated into the closure cells. When implemented, closure will assure the long-term protection of human health and environment.

GI’s owners and operators abandoned the site in 1986 and filed for bankruptcy before posting their required closure bond. Consequently, 17 companies that disposed of material at GI are financing the closure. A Site Management Committee with top environmental staff from five of the companies has been planning the closure. Under the contract, Locus will provide turnkey professional consulting, engineering, and construction services for remedial

“We are very pleased to be selected by the GI Site Management Committee to close the GI site. This further demonstrates Locus’s ability to provide turnkey consulting and construction services to our clients on complex, multidisciplinary soil and groundwater sites. We will be working closely with the Cooperating Entities, other specialty consultants, regulators, and the public to implement the remedy and restore the site,” said Dr. Neno
Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus Technologies.

Chevron Environmental Management Company selects Locus’ web portal for environmental laboratory data management

SAN FRANCISCO, 30 September 2003 — Locus Technologies (Locus), a global leader in environmental information management, today announced that Chevron Environmental Management Company, a subsidiary of ChevronTexaco Corporation, San Ramon, California, has selected Locus’s web-based Environmental Information Management System™ (EIM™) for management of Chevron’s Environmental Laboratory Data at their environmental remediation projects. EIM™ is a module of Locus’s award-winning LocusFocus(SM) web portal for environmental information management.

As a part of an effort to consolidate analytical data and provide uniform environmental database management practices across its organization, Chevron Environmental Management Company decided to utilize a web-based system and will start using LocusFocus(SM) immediately.

Using a web-based system to organize and manage large amounts of environmental information, EIM™ provides users real-time access to crucial information that heretofore had been stored in distributed systems accessible to only a few. The development and deployment of these web-based databases requires deep content knowledge and years of experience developing applications for the environmental industry. Locus’s core team has more than 60 years of experience in this area and has worked with clients ranging from numerous Fortune 500 companies to the Department of Energy and the US military. Locus believes its dual expertise in content knowledge and computer applications has enabled it to develop the best-available tool to manage environmental information in existence today. LocusFocus(SM) is built on a robust infrastructure that leverages the latest web technologies, such as XML and Web Services, and utilizes advanced security and backup devices and tools to protect each client’s data.

“Clearly, the bet we are placing on web-based environmental software is a big one. And part of what makes it big is that it encompasses a solution to a problem that could not have been delivered to the environmental industry without the web. Environmental projects generate huge amounts of data that need to be analyzed and put to beneficial use. Complex and expensive decisions hinge on the accessibility, quality, and ease of use of this data, all of which better software tools can help to alleviate. Driving the content and technology solution at the same time requires a lot of work, but it is necessary, if one aspires to lead this industry. We are happy to have Chevron Environmental Management Company join the family of Locus clients,” said Dr. Neno Duplancic, president and CEO of Locus Technologies.

“There are many assets trapped in inefficient environmental information management, including excessive man hours to load laboratory deliverables, search for information, and produce reports. Companies are now pragmatically adopting these new technologies to improve the bottom line of their environmental projects,” added Duplancic.

Locus selects LiveVault to ensure the recoverability of its critical environmental data

Locus Technologies will provide its customers with guaranteed recovery through LiveVault

MARLBOROUGH, MASS. AND SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 5 AUGUST 2003 — LiveVault Corporation® (, the leading provider of fully managed online backup and recovery services for business servers, and Locus Technologies (, the leader in information management technology for the environmental industry, today announced that Locus has selected LiveVault Online Backup and Recovery Service™ to protect its customers’ critical environmental and business data. Locus Technologies’ customers are a number of Fortune-500 companies who subscribe to LocusFocus(SM) to manage their critical environmental information through Locus’s environmental portal.

“We are very pleased that our partnership with LiveVault will provide online backup and guaranteed recovery for our award-winning, web-based environmental information management portal, LocusFocus(SM) and EIM™,” said Dr. Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus Technologies. “Now, large enterprise environmental information management applications have fully secured, controlled, web-based solutions through LocusFocus and EIM™, that are fully protected by LiveVault against system failure, virus, human error or other disaster.” Locus Technologies subscribes to LiveVault through channel partner US Data Trust (

“It certainly demonstrates the value LiveVault’s online backup and recovery service provides when a trusted provider like Locus Technologies trusts LiveVault to protect their customers’ critical data,” said Bob Cramer, president and CEO of LiveVault. “LiveVault’s continuous online backup, and recovery guarantee, ensures that environmental and other data intensive businesses are always protected. Not just the data created last week, or last night, but the data created today, this minute, this hour.” LiveVault’s Online Backup and Recovery Service continuously backs up business server data via a secure Internet connection, and immediately stores it in an off-site Iron Mountain® (NYSE: IRM) facility, where it is available for immediate recovery in the event of a system failure, virus, human error or other disaster.

The LiveVault service is designed for customers with servers that reside outside of major data centers—such as remote or branch offices, or mid-sized businesses—and who have primarily relied on in-house tape backups to keep their data safe. Analysts estimate that nearly 50 percent of tape-based backups fail to restore properly, exposing these businesses to significant risk. Conversely, LiveVault guarantees recovery of all business-critical data
and allows companies to return to the state of their business prior to a data-loss event. For more information on LiveVault’s data protection and disaster recovery solutions, please visit or call (800) 638-5518. For more information on Locus Technologies solutions for the environmental industry, now with data protected by LiveVault, please visit or call (925) 906-8100.


LiveVault Corporation is the leading provider of fully managed online data backup and recovery services. LiveVault automatically and continuously backs up server data, and protects it in a secure, remote Iron Mountain facility, and makes it immediately available for recovery 7×24. Through its partnerships with Iron Mountain (NYSE: IRM), Hewlett-Packard (NYSE: HPQ), Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT), and others, LiveVault helps ensure the business continuity of mid-sized businesses, as well as distributed offices of larger enterprises. Founded in 1993, LiveVault is based in Marlborough, Mass. For more information, visit or call (508) 460-6670.

Mayfield general partner invests in Locus Technologies

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., 13 March 2003 — Locus Technologies (Locus), a leader in environmental information management, today announced that Mr. Wendell G. “Van” Van Auken, a General Partner of Mayfield, has invested personally in the company. Mr. Van Auken is an acknowledged mentor to entrepreneurs interested in building strong corporate organizations with solid financial structures. His combination of operating and financial expertise enables him to assist management in optimizing both market opportunities and company valuations.

As a partner at Mayfield, Mr. Van Auken has led investments in a wide range of industries. He is particularly interested in enterprise software. Mr. Van Auken currently serves on the Board of Directors of Advent Software (ADVS), Efficient Marketing Services, Global English, Montgomery Street Income Securities (MTS) and Skystream. He holds an M.B.A. from Stanford University and a B.S. in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

“I am very excited to become a part owner of Locus Technologies to help advise their talented management team. Locus’s web-based enterprise software for the environmental industry is an innovative solution that allows companies and governmental organizations to better control and manage their environmental liabilities. The company has the potential to capture and maintain a leadership position in the large, underserved, technology market for environmental information management,” said Mr. Van Auken. The LocusFocus portal includes remote control and monitoring of treatment systems, Environmental Information Management (EIM™), document management, and collaboration tools. The EIM™ database is designed to manage the vast quantities of sampling, analytical, and geotechnical data that are typically collected during the investigation, cleanup, and monitoring of contaminated sites.

“Locus is very happy to have Mr. Van Auken as an investor and advisor to the company. His vast experience at Mayfield in building successful rapid-growth technology companies from start-up, including financial and business planning, operational analysis, and executive decision-making, will be a tremendous asset to Locus,” said Mr. Neno Duplancic, president and chief executive officer of Locus.”