Locus software support is now even better

Locus has recently improved our help desk support system, with improved visibility and resources for all of our customers.

Compliance Minute – Assuring Delivered Application Quality

Locus has recently improved our help desk support system, with improved visibility and resources for all of our customers.

Use Sequenced Tasks to Track Complex Processes

Stay on top of your EHS compliance tasks

Marian Carr, Senior Vice President at Locus Technologies, shows you how to use the Bookmarks tool in Locus Platform.

Automatically generate your soil lithology and well logs

Learn about the annual and periodic materiality assessment where system users rank based on their impact and relevance to the organization.

Better consumer complaint tracking for water utilities

Software to simplify your ESG materiality assessment

Learn about the annual and periodic materiality assessment where system users rank based on their impact and relevance to the organization.

Incident Management Software and How It Can Save You Time

Blaze Ison, Customer Success Manager at Locus Technologies, shares how our Incident Management application can simplify your life.

9 Keys to Selecting Sustainable ESG Reporting Software

Organizations face increased accountability for ESG performance, making it crucial to convert science, financial, and non-financial data into auditable ESG disclosures.

Use of the right technology can streamline data compilation and produce reliable sustainability reports. When choosing an ESG software solution look for these 9 keys to ensure it offers what your company needs.