Locus introduces eSite

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., 17 May 2006 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the industry leader in web-based environmental data and information management services, announced today that it has released its newest offering in the LocusFocusSM suite of products, called eSite. eSite is an exciting online software service developed specifically for the clients with a portfolio of environmentally impacted sites. eSite is designed to help streamline and organize important environmental information about a company’s sites. It is particularly
geared toward those organizations with hundreds, or even thousands, of properties at which environmental conditions must either be monitored or remediated.

eSite’s design was based on input from customers struggling to keep on top of environmental issues at their manufacturing, retail, Superfund, and other sites across the county and around the globe. After reaping significant benefits from moving their sampling and analytical data into Locus’s EIM™ (Environmental Information Management) system, these customers expressed a desire to have a related place on the web to store and retrieve more basic types of site information, including assets, regulatory and environmental history, as well as real estate, permitting, compliance, project schedule, treatment technology, and strategic planning data. Information on contractors, consultants, law firms, laboratories, and agencies; budget summaries; site operational history and property history; significant regulatory events; chronologies of environmental investigations, monitoring studies, and cleanup actions; current project schedule; and anticipated future actions and strategies. Given the more than 20-year life-cycle of many environmental projects, maintaining this information in a secure and easily accessible website has become just as important as streamlining the sampling and analytical data management process.

In one simple application, eSite preserves the mission-critical environmental history of each site and makes this knowledge accessible to senior managers, as well as site supervisors. Interface to Google Maps and portfolio-wide data summaries are key components of the system, thus, making the management of hundreds of sites a far more efficient activity.

According to Locus Technologies president and CEO, Neno Duplancic, “eSite is just what our customers have been asking for–it’s a simple and elegant solution to a ongoing environmental management problem. When site consultants change every 3 to 5 years, and site managers change just as frequently, keeping track of the simple things becomes a headache. With eSite, a company’s key environmental information and knowledge is managed over time, thus providing long-term continuity and knowledge retention. In addition, accumulated knowledge can be shared among sites with similar contaminants, geological settings, or other common parameters. A site manager, for example, can use eSite to search among a list of suppliers for any with similar and relevant closure experience at other sites. In short, we expect eSite to provide our customers with an important knowledge-based tool for managing their portfolios in as efficient manner as possible.”

“eSite is built using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) that will allow many of our clients to integrate their own home-grown solutions into it. When it comes to environmental data and information, nothing in the enterprise should exist in isolation—companies must leverage existing data and application assets by provisioning them as shareable services,” adds Duplancic.

eSite will be available to customers under Locus’s Software as a Service (SaaS) model, which allows customers to reduce costs of environmental data management and software by streamlining and simplifying ownership and maintenance.

LocusFocus and EIM Selected for DOD’s Navy Innovative Technology Program

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., March 7, 2006 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the leader in environmental information management, today announced that it has been selected for by the US Navy’s Innovative Technology program. This applicability allows Locus to deploy environmental data management services for the Navy and other branches of the DOD. Locus’s selection is further endorsement of their environmental data management web portal “LocusFocus” and their award-winning, web-based Environmental Information Management™ (EIM™) system. EIM is the world’s most comprehensive environmental database management software system for the environmental industry.

After stringent technical review, Locus’s abstract was found eligible for the Navy’s Environmental BAA Program. The Locus abstract will be entered as part of “Book 20” into an on-line database, referred to as “DENIX,” the Defense Environmental Network and Information Exchange. DENIX is available to all DOD field activities seeking solutions for their environmental program needs.

“We are pleased to be able to support the Navy and other DOD branches with our innovative software environmental database management products, which are a part of the LocusFocus web portal,” said Dr. Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus. “The DOD will now have access to the world’s largest on-line environmental database system. In addition, the LocusFocus Portal will also provide the Navy and other DOD branches with our full suite of environmental data management tools, including user-friendly GIS interface capabilities, workflow automation, and environmental field management software programs. Deployment of these online tools can provide the government end-user with substantial savings in routine environmental data management and long-term stewardship (LTS)
costs,” said Dr. Duplancic.

Locus Technologies chooses Tibco Software to improve customer experience in a real-time operating environment

TIBCO PortalBuilder Platform of Choice for Locus’s New Enterprise Portal Offering

PALO ALTO, Calif., 1 May 2006 — TIBCO Software Inc. (NASDAQ: TIBX), a leading business integration and process management software company that enables real-time business, today announced that Locus Technologies, the leader in on-demand environmental data management software and services, has selected TIBCO PortalBuilder® for the development and management of a new customer-facing portal offering.

Through its award-winning LocusFocus family of products and services, Locus Technologies provides a comprehensive suite of Web-based environmental information management applications to help companies meet the complex challenge of managing, sharing, and visualizing large sets of environmental information on demand. Using TIBCO PortalBuilder, the company plans to expand LocusFocus to include a new portal offering, to provide customers with a single point of access for viewing and analyzing large amounts of data consolidated in real-time from multiple environmental sites.

Using TIBCO PortalBuilder, the LocusFocus enterprise portal will include feature-rich user capabilities, including analytical data management and document control; storage and management; and Web-based remote sensing, control, and automation of treatment systems. By providing capabilities, such as visualization, document management, single sign-on and rolebased authorization in a unified platform, TIBCO will help Locus improve the overall customer experience, while simultaneously simplifying application and system management.

In addition, Locus will use TIBCO PortalBuilder to automate how their customers actually interact with, and perform environmental data management. The new enterprise portal will include features in which users can manage waste disposal, plan/schedule sampling events, generate reports, create maps of sites, and view other related documents, all within a consolidated, context-specific visual environment.

“Our goal is to lower our customers’ overall cost of remediation, while attaining the required cleanup objectives through the use of technology,” said Neno Duplancic, president and CEO, Locus Technologies. “TIBCO PortalBuilder was selected for its powerful ability to integrate systems, services, and processes in a way that’s also optimized for rapid deployment. In the past, our customers spent large amounts of consulting man hours searching for information.Now, they can spend that time analyzing and acting on their key environmental data—not looking for it—leading to faster and less expensive site closure, maintenance, and monitoring. We can now offer a single, unified system for managing environmental issues that’s easier for our customers to navigate and for us to manage.”

TIBCO PortalBuilder plays an integrated role in an enterprise service-oriented architecture by enabling easy assembly of composite applications that span multiple heterogeneous systems. Based on industry standards and utilizing intuitive configuration-based administration, TIBCO PortalBuilder enables organizations to rapidly develop and deploy portals without significant coding, ultimately reducing time, cost and risk.

“As more companies move to service-oriented architectures (SOA), the enterprise portal is becoming the face of the business,” said Ram Menon, senior vice president, Marketing and Strategy, TIBCO. “Companies that don’t ensure a consistent and positive user experience across applications will suffer the consequences of customer dissatisfaction. This is particularly true for the emerging environmental industry that is already data-intensive and will become even more so by introducing large volumes of data and analytics as it moves toward real- time monitoring and performing analytics in a geographic area across multiple customers. TIBCO PortalBuilder will help Locus to differentiate itself as one of the most customer-focused, innovative vendors in this emerging market.”


TIBCO Software Inc. (NASDAQ:TIBX) is a leading business integration and process management software company that enables real-time business. Real-time business is about helping companies become more cost-effective, more agile and more efficient. TIBCO has delivered the value of real-time business, what TIBCO calls The Power of Now®, to over 2,500 customers around the world and in a wide variety of industries. For more information on TIBCO’s proven enterprise backbone, business integration, business process management, and business optimization solutions, TIBCO can be reached at +1 650-846-1000 or on the Web at TIBCO is headquartered in Palo Alto, CA.

TIBCO, the TIBCO logo, The Power of Now , TIBCO Software and TIBCO PortalBuilder are trademarks or registered trademarks of TIBCO Software Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other product and company names and marks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners and are mentioned for identification purposes only.

Locus and Rockware announce new additions to LocusFocus EIM

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., March 24, 2006 — Locus Technologies, the industry leader in environmental data management, and RockWare, Inc., a developer and reseller of environmental, geotechnical, civil engineering, and GIS software, announced today that Locus’s EIM environmental database has added exports to RockWare’s Rockworks software, used by environmental professionals worldwide. Locus’s EIM environmental data management system is the world largest online environmental database system used by some of America’s largest corporations at thousands of environmental remediation sites worldwide.

This new feature reinforces Locus’s philosophy of making environmental data management simple and streamlined, so customers realize the greatest benefits and cost savings from managing their mission-critical environmental information. The Rockworks exports join EIM’s other import/export features, including support for EPA’s Staged Environmental Data Deliverable (SEDD), ESRI Arcview, AutoCad, California’s Geotracker EDF, New Jersey’s HAZSITE, and EPA’s Region 2 and 5 formats.

Locus’s President and CEO, Dr. Neno Duplancic, said, “Our philosophy behind environmental data management is simple – create the most robust online environmental database management system in the world and provide the users with the tools and features they want and need to gain value and efficiency in the complex task of managing the huge heterogonous volumes of environmental data that are so critical to environmental site closure. By consolidating data in a single location, with the benefits of customer ownership, data consistency and user access, we solve 99% of the issues associated with environmental data management. By providing links to ancillary specialty environmental software applications, we capture the additional 1%. Users can keep familiar processes and tools, while the customer rests assured that their data resides in a single location, thus reducing costs and risks over the lifetime of the project.”

Locus rings 15th anniversary of eWaste with addition of a new pharmaceutical customer

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., March 17, 2006  — Locus Technologies (Locus), the world leader in on-demand environmental information management software applications, is pleased to announce the addition of Merck & Co., Inc., to its growing list of customers for the eWaste application. 2006 marks the celebration of Locus’s release of eWaste, a pioneering software application for tracking and managing hazardous waste. It was one of the first applications in the marketplace targeted at the complex and often confusing regulatory requirements for hazardous waste tracking and its deep vertical content focused on simplifying a complex process.

Even after 15 years, the eWaste product line remains a solid performer for Locus, attracting such customers as Dow Chemical, BASF, Conoco Phillips, and Hovensea. The recent acquisition of eWaste by pharmaceutical giant Merck demonstrates that when you develop a solid product built on deep domain expertise to meet a distinct customer need, the product will sell itself.

Locus’s eWaste has held such a loyal and distinguished following, because it is a comprehensive, but easy-to-use, software program for the classification, packaging, labeling, storage, manifesting, transporting, disposal, tracking, and reporting of hazardous waste. It automatically assigns EPA and DOT regulatory information to waste chemical products. The program helps determine the chemical compatibility of waste chemicals, safely assigning them to containers with compatible items.

eWaste also manages waste profiles, allowing for full EPA reporting capabilities and reduced errors in shipping descriptions. eWaste synchronizes with Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), as well as portable bar code readers for quick, accurate collection of field data and container tracking. eWaste prepares management, cost tracking, and regulatory reports, including the Biennial Regulatory Report and the SARA 313. It was designed for ease of use and customization to include customer specific forms and reporting requirements.

According to Locus’s President Neno Duplancic, “eWaste is one of Locus’s oldest products, but its loyal following and continuing sales serve to remind everyone in the environmental data management software business that domain expertise and content far outweigh any other factors when it comes to customer satisfaction. Our recent addition of Merck to our list of customers reaffirms that eWaste is as fresh in content as the day it was originally envisioned. Given our continued success with eWaste, we intend to update the platform to allow the same great content but provide the service over the Internet as we do with all our other environmental data management software products.”

Locus Technologies Brings Google Maps to the Environment

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., 28 November 2005  — Locus Technologies (Locus), the leader in environmental information management, today announced that it has expanded its award winning, web-based Environmental Information Management™ (EIM™) system to work with the popular Google™ Maps. Locus embedded Google Maps API to its popular EIM application for manage analytical data on the Internet. A user can now add overlays of environmental information to the map and display shadowed “info windows,” just like Google Maps. The result is a Google Map Mashup, a web application that seamlessly combines content from more than one source into an integrated experience.

With the same ease of finding an address location or driving directions, users can now find subsurface environmental information at their sites, such as chemical concentrations in groundwater. Users can zoom and pan the maps and photos for a seamless view of the geography around sites. Using this Mashup, EIM provides a data box listing the chemical concentration in groundwater, borehole information, and other relevant environmental information associated with location. With Google Maps in EIM, users have the power of a Geographical Information System in a light-weight web browser application.

The EIM interface to Google Maps significantly improves productivity in managing spatial environmental information by developing and delivering the next generation of Internet mapping application services to the environmental industry. The result is the almost instant transformation of previously inaccessible raw environmental data into meaningful, actionable, and productive visual information.

“Drawing upon input from hundreds of our clients who currently use EIM’s SVG-based GIS application, Google Maps provides EIM users with additional convenience, efficiency, and a distinct competitive advantage. The product is ideally suited for large or small sites that require a GIS application, but don’t have resources to build one using an expensive traditional GIS tool. Furthermore, all of this exciting new functionality comes without the need to store large image files on the server end, thus minimizing the number of trips between browser and server, minimizing storage and Internet traffic requirements,” said Dr. Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus.

This application is offered as a value-added service to existing users of Locus’ eGIS-SVG module.

Locus Introduces TreeMaps to LocusFocus and EIM

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., 7 October 2005 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the industry leader in web-based environmental information management software, announced today that it has added TreeMaps data visualization technology to its flagship product, EIM™ and other LocusFocusSM applications. eTree, as Locus calls the application, provides an instant, intuitive view of complex data sets that is perfectly suited for accessing and managing immense amounts of environmental and financial data. eTree provides an “aerial view” of the data using squares of varying sizes and colors to visually represent data variables. eTree allows users to instantaneously see patterns, anomalies and trends developing in the large data sets. It is flexible enough to work with almost any type of data and easy enough to give users of all experience levels quick access to vital information. Never before has environmental data been so easy or so intuitive!

This innovative new tool gives companies with environmentally impacted sites a bird’s-eye view of millions of data points—all at once. eTree also comes equipped with a powerful new screening feature. It allows users to sift through the millions of analytical or financial records on the map using several different criteria. For example, an enterprise portfolio of environmentally impacted sites is displayed and can be sorted by state, region, division, manager, regulator or any other important differentiator. Various graphical filters allow more precise filtering, which is especially useful for large enterprise customers with thousands of sites.

With eTree, users are able to drill into data and quickly get information, such as reviewing regulatory action limit exceedances across regions or states, identifying which laboratories are performing work and how often certain types of methods are requested, reviewing database statistics and tracking data loading, tracking consultant and laboratory performance, and much more. Once the tree is generated, users can drill into additional
data stored in LocusFocus, such as project financial performance and get more details on items of interest.

Treemaps were conceptualized in the early 1990s by University of Maryland computer science professor, Ben Shneiderman, and have been recently popularized by the Wall Street applications in the financial services industry. Locus is the first company to bring this advanced visualization technology to environmental markets, where it is a perfect fit for the huge amounts of data that are inherently difficult to visualize and analyze.

According to Locus’s President and CEO, Dr. Neno Duplancic, “Our clients are drowning in information about their sites, which is difficult to extract when needed. eTree provides them with an intuitive data mining and environmental risk analysis tool. Information is power—but only if you can absorb and put that information to use. That’s where Locus’s unique eTree comes in. We’ve applied this exciting data-visualization technology to wide
arrays of environmental data. Companies can visually mine data and quickly answer questions to support their corporate strategic objectives and manage environmental risk and liability. The technology will help Locus’s customers turn environmental data into meaningful information, with the ultimate objective of lowering site closure and post-closure monitoring costs.”

Locus announces EIM integration with dynamic charting

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., 9 August 2005 — Locus Technologies (Locus), a leader in environmental information management, today announced that it has expanded its award winning, web-based Environmental Information Management™ (EIM™) system, a part of their LocusFocusSM web portal, to integrate dynamic charting for .NET.

EIM has always supported charts for analytical results and groundwater readings. With dynamic charting, EIM users gain a rich set of features for charting, analyzing, and visualizing their environmental data. EIM’s dynamic charting provides end-user chart customization through intuitive menus, dialogs, and toolbars harnessing the power of .NET. Users can easily change chart colors and styles, customize the axes and legends, and display the chart in 3D. Users can also switch between a gallery of chart types on the fly. Users can store a particular chart for future use, maximizing the usability and readability of EIM’s charts and greatly streamlining data reporting. Users can export the charts to a variety of formats, including bitmaps, metafiles, and text files.

EIM’s new dynamic charting is fully integrated with EIM, allowing users to view charts on their desktop in an Internet browser. EIM users can create graphs showing parameter results, field measurements, and groundwater levels. Users can also make graphs of various statistical quantities, such as mean, median, standard deviations, and 95% confidence intervals for their data. Users can access the charting tool from within the EIM main
database, as well as from EIM’s eSVG module, which displays site maps in Scaleable Vector Graphic format.

“EIM’s new charting functionality brings powerful new capabilities to EIM. The combination of these tools, together with EIM’s other download and data visualization options, will provide environmental professionals with all the querying and reporting power they need to perform their work in an efficient and cost-effective manner,” says Dr. Neno Duplancic, president and CEO of Locus. “By integrating dynamic charting capability with EIM, Locus intends to stay at the forefront of web-based display of environmental information,” adds Dr. Duplancic.

Locus announces e3, the industry’s first web-based eManagement portal

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., 13 July 2005 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the leader in environmental information management, today announced the e3 Enterprise Environmental eManagement portal. This exciting new application brings together Locus’s key web-based environmental data management products and introduces customers to LocusFocusSM EIM™ Enterprise, the industries’ first true web-based enterprise data mining application. EIM, Locus’s award-winning Environmental Information Management system available exclusively over the web to meet the environmental data management needs of companies worldwide, stores thousands of sites and millions of records for customers worldwide. Navigating the vast amounts of environmental data stored in EIM was typically performed by skilled environmental professionals familiar with the complex datasets. By introducing EIM Enterprise, Locus has turned this vast amount of data into a wealth of information easily accessible by everyone.

EIM Enterprise mines the data from Locus’s EIM database to allow managers, corporate executives, and project team members to easily track regulatory action level exceedances and analytical laboratory performance across a portfolio of sites, monitor contractor performance ,and quickly query data from an entire multi-site database in seconds.

“EIM Enterprise takes the power of Internet databases and data mining to a whole new level,” says Dr. Neno Duplancic, president and CEO of Locus Technologies. “This application makes managing 100 or 1,000 sites as easy as managing a single site. Data are quickly retrieved and available for decision-making. We designed this application for our large corporate customers who manage hundreds or thousands of sites, making sure it is easy to use and intuitive,” added Duplancic.

Never before could senior environmental managers track laboratory performance with literally two clicks of the mouse. Never before could they find out in 5 seconds how many of their sites had percholorate or MTBE. With EIM Enterprise, those questions can be answered in a matter of seconds.

In early July, all current EIM customers with multiple sites will have e3 available to them. This is an example of the type of free upgrades Locus customers have become accustomed to. EIM Enterprise is available at no additional cost to all of Locus’s current corporate customers with EIM Enterprise systems.

Locus introduces enterprise data mining to EIM

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., 8 February 2005  — Locus Technologies (Locus), the industry leader in web-based environmental information management, announced today that it has added new Quick Views data-mining features to its flagship product, EIM™. EIM is a robust and feature-rich tool that allows companies to upload and view environmental information pertaining to their sites and facilities–exclusively over the web.

EIM’s new Quick Views bring a whole new level, in terms of data mining and data extraction capability. Data mining can best be described as a powerful technology that utilizes various techniques to extract comprehensible, hidden, and useful information from large data sets. Using Quick Views, EIM users can quickly retrieve, sort, and search data and cut and paste the results of their queries directly into almost any program in seconds. Customers with large, multi-site databases now have the ability to quickly and easily query across all sites and mine data as never before possible. Most significantly, the opportunity to discover hidden trends and patterns and prioritize work based on these findings is now within reach of even casual users with little or no experience with databases.

Environmental data is a strategic resource in today’s complex business world. Hidden in most companies’ widely scattered, and largely inaccessible, environmental databases are reasons why companies have contaminated sites in the first place and answers as to what processes and practices they need to change to avoid having them in the future. These databases also contain the day-to-day information companies need to run environmental projects, design and implement remedies, provide regulatory reporting, and optimize operation and maintenance programs. To effectively manage these copious quantities of data across many different sites, companies must have the capability to effectively analyze the data so as to unearth those key correlations that allow them to improve their cleanup strategies, decrease their capital and operating costs, and prevent future creation of similar sites. A single, accessible centralized data management system, coupled with data mining applications, such as EIM’s Quick Views, can be a key strategic advantage for companies who desire to manage their portfolios of contaminated sites in a cost-effective manner.

According to Locus Technologies’ President and CEO, Dr. Neno Duplancic, “Companies have been frustrated for years with the state of environmental data management. Answering simple questions, such as ‘how many of my sites have MTBE, perchlorate, or TCE aboveaction limits,’ were exercises in frustration. With Quick Views, this is no longer the case. Companies can mine data and quickly answer questions to support their corporate strategic objectives and site exit strategies. The technology will help Locus’s customers turn environmental data into meaningful information. Furthermore, this new feature of EIM gives environmental managers the ability to ‘visualize’ and orchestrate the entire environmental data management process at all of their sites, rather than merely juggling resources to fill the broad range of deliverables that they and their consultants have to manage on a regular basis at each of their individual sites.“