Whitman Strategy Group and Locus Partner to help business, government optimize environmental information management using the Web

Greening of America Through On-Demand Software

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., and WASHINGTON, D.C., April 20, 2007 — The Whitman Strategy Group, a consulting firm that specializes in energy and environmental issues, and Locus Technologies (Locus), the industry leader in Web-based environmental data and information management services, announced today that the two companies are partnering to help businesses and government better manage environmental data and information using the Web.

By the year 2020, the environmental industry is expected to generate more data than the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, the Internal Revenue Service, and the financial and health industries combined. To make intelligent decisions about site cleanups, reductions in CO2, clean energy, and other factors affecting the quality and sustainability of life, businesses and government entities must have better tools to manage and interpret this information in real time. Robust information management systems are needed to store and analyze this data, yet, until recently, spending on such systems has been almost non-existent.

For example, the issue of global climate change is getting much more serious attention in our country. A major reason for the increased attention is that quantifiable data is available. One of the ongoing challenges is for companies to be able to adequately measure and track their greenhouse gas emissions. The ability to accurately collect and analyze information regarding the extent of an environmental problem and to estimate the costs associated with it are critical steps in environmental remediation and restoration.

With their combined environmental consulting services and information management expertise, The Whitman Strategy Group and Locus plan to help government agencies and businesses improve on the management and accessibility of this data through the use of Locus’s Web-based environmental information management systems.

“Advances in technology in recent years have made instant access to environmental data a reality. Coding this data by geography and making it available on the Web will help government and industry expose information they have been collecting for years and put it to beneficial use,” said Christine Todd Whitman, President of The Whitman Strategy Group and former EPA Administrator and Governor of New Jersey. “Locus can help businesses and government entities characterize their environmental problems faster and easier, so that valuable technical resources can be spent designing solutions, instead of searching for information.”

Environmental compliance currently ranks high on the list of corporate responsibilities. Companies that prove they are being environmentally responsible are increasingly attractive to investors, and they increase their global competitiveness. Yet, even the most sophisticated organizations acknowledge that assessing and quantifying environmental liabilities can be extremely challenging. “By improving consumer and business access to geocoded environmental data and overlaying it with other data sources, tremendous opportunities open up for greater understanding of and support for environmental issues,” said Dr. Neno Duplancic, president and CEO of Locus.

Many companies that have made a commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability use Locus’s Environmental Management Information (EIM™) software and services to make better use of their technical resources. Locus is currently working with the U.S. Department of Energy and such companies as Alstom, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Philips Electronics, and Raytheon to help them better manage their environmental data. Locus Technologies makes it easier for organizations to comply with local and international regulations and laws, while increasing productivity of their environmental staff and consultants, and significantly reducing IT costs. By keeping all information about sites in LocusFocus ePortal, a single, centralized, Web-based system, companies can aggregate information in real time, automate the flow of laboratory data, check the clean-up status of every site, monitor the financial performance of consultants and contractors, and obtain and comply with ISO 14001 requirements.

The Whitman Strategy Group (WSG) is a consulting firm that specializes in government relations and environmental and energy issues. The firm was founded by Christine Todd Whitman, former EPA Administrator and New Jersey governor. Governor Whitman is currently co-chair of the National Smart Growth Council and serves on the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations and The Millennium Challenge Corp.,as well as several corporate boards.

For more information about The Whitman Strategy Group, visit www.whitmanstrategygroup.com.

Map software pinpoints environment hotspots

Services utilize convergence of tools like Google Earth, EPA data

Locus delivers U.S. EPA Superfund data through ePortal and Google Maps Mashup

Users can instantly see information on U.S. EPA Superfund sites

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., April 2, 2007 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the industry leader in Web-based environmental data and information management services, announced today that it has expanded its hugely popular Web-based LocusFocus ePortal Google™ Maps Mashup to include U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data. With Locus’s portal toolset and Google’s Map API (application program interface), users can now look for data in a rich map interface and gain instant access to data once hidden away in governmental data silos.

Using Locus’s Mashup, users can search by map location, zip code, or state and instantly see information on the U.S. EPA Superfund sites in their area. With the same ease as finding addresses or driving directions, anyone can now access U.S. EPA Superfund data previously only available in much more complex interfaces or not available at all.

“Advances in technology have made instant access to EPA Superfund data a reality,” said Dr. Neno Duplancic, president and CEO of Locus. “With an XML data stream provided by the EPA, Locus was able to quickly create a user-friendly map view into complex Superfund data. As the EPA releases more information, the application database can easily grow to display all types of environmental information, from regulatory permits on a site to other EPA program data such as the latest Toxics Release Inventory chemical information.”

“We are thrilled to see innovative technologies from private industry enabling the delivery of environmental data from government-managed data resources to the Web,” said Pat Garvey, a Geospatial Download Service Manager with the EPA. “It is gratifying to see the private sector take the initiative to deliver EPA data in an engaging and easy-to-use Web interface that allows citizens, as well as companies, to make use of the vast amounts of data the EPA has collected.”

The LocusFocus ePortal Google™ Maps Mashup can be viewed at www.locustec.com. In addition, Locus will be presenting the Mashup and other innovative technologies at the EPA-sponsored “Long-Term Stewardship Roundtable and Training” in San Diego, Calif., April 4-5, 2007.

Customers who already use Locus’s Environmental Information Management system can Mashup their own site data and access it through their existing interface. By zooming in on a site through Locus’s Google Map interface, customers can click on soil boring and groundwater monitoring well locations to retrieve analytical, geotechnical, geological, or any other data available for these or other locations.

“This advancement will help the EPA reach out to constituents and share information it has been collecting for years,” said Rick Bergquist, chief software evangelist for Locus. “It’s a win-win for all parties: citizens can easily access data they never had before, and the EPA can easily deliver data to the public at no cost to the government. This service is now possible because of Locus’s innovative On-Demand environmental information products.”

Locus’s environmental data Mashup is part of the company’s commitment to providing innovative, cost-effective environmental data management solutions to the environmental community and giving companies that want to become “green” the state-of-the-art tools they need to manage, show and document their progress.

US Navy lists Locus’s innovative technology for heavy-end hydrocarbons in the Defense Environmental Network and Information Exchange (DENIX)

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., March 26, 2007  — Locus Technologies (Locus), the industry leader in specialty environmental services and web-based environmental information management, announced today that it has been selected by the US Navy’s Innovative Technology program to deploy the Continuous Circulation Surfactant Enhanced Recovery (CCSER) remediation technology to various government entities. CCSER is an evolution of the field-proven Closed-Loop Bioremediation process promoted by Locus and its affiliate partner, MCC Technologies. CCSER has been designed and formulated specifically to treat highly immobile and weathered heavy-end hydrocarbons/fuel oils/and highly viscous carrier oils that contain harmful toxic components (such as PCBs, PAHs), but are recalcitrant to traditional remediation designs. Locus’s selection by the US Navy is further endorsement of company’s cutting-edge approach to promote innovative remediation technologies to deal with complex environmental issues.

After stringent technical review, the Navy found Locus’s abstract eligible for the Navy’s Environmental Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) program. The Locus abstract will be entered as part of an on-line database, referred to as “DENIX,” the Defense Environmental Network and Information Exchange. DENIX is available to all DOD field activities seeking solutions for their environmental program needs.

“We are pleased to be able to support the US Navy and other Department of Defense (DOD) branches with this innovative technology solution for difficult-to-remediate, heavy-end hydrocarbons,” said Mark Bittner, Locus’s Regional Director. “The DOD will now have access to a superior technology for heavy-end hydrocarbon recovery and remediation,” added Mr. Bittner.

Locus to support SoCal Edison with environmental screening of oil field production risks

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, October 25, 2006 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the industry leader in specialty environmental services and web-based environmental information management has been selected to support Southern California Edison with property acquisition evaluations at various sites in Southern California.

As a part of the contract, Locus will provide investigation expertise and site characterization services for property development which includes screening for potential oil and gas field environmental and safety hazards, not uncommon to Southern California. This award adds an important client for Locus in rapidly expanding and fiercely competitive Southern California market.

“Locus is pleased to support Southern California Edison with our unique blend of environmental consulting and knowledge of investigation techniques for evaluating potential risks associated with former or operating petroleum production and exploration properties. This project is an example of the specialized consulting services Locus offers to our clientele,” said Mark Bittner, Regional Director for Locus Technologies.

“We are very pleased to add another energy client on the long list of energy companies that Locus has been serving since its inception. Our expertise for liability management associated with real estate transactions, coupled with the state-of-the art technology to manage environmental information over the web was, again, the winning combination that resulted in Southern California Edison choosing our company,” added Mr. Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus.

Locus announces free year-end legacy data loading

The Leader in On-Demand Environmental Information Management

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., October 17, 2006 — Locus Technologies, the industry leader in on-demand environmental information management, announced today a limited time promotion for new customers to try Locus’s popular on-demand analytical data management software (EIM™). From now until the end of the year, Locus will offer free data loading for up to five (5) sites for any new customer who signs up for its on-demand environmental data management services. Locus is making this offer to encourage companies to try, risk-free, a whole new way of managing environmental data on the web.

Data management practices in the environmental industry have lagged far behind other more-visible departments in most companies. In the age of instant funds transfer, online banking, electronic data transfers, wireless Internet, and sophisticated enterprise data systems, it is, unfortunately, still common for mission-critical environmental data to be delivered via hard-copy mail and hand-keyed into simple desktop spreadsheets managed by various consultants with offices across the country. Even in the best of circumstances, data are attached to insecure emails and stored in custom-designed, single-use databases with limited, if any, access by the data owners and multiple project participants.

Locus is changing this paradigm and shaking up the environmental industry by delivering sophisticated, robust enterprise environmental data management tools on-line and ondemand to the marketplace. Locus’s EIM environmental data system combines one of the most advanced and robust databases with a full-featured front end to deliver an unequalled set of services to a sector long ignored. And all of this is offered online, on-demand, 24/7, anywhere in the world–meaning that no hardware or software investment is required, no installation is needed, and no IT department services are necessary. Just sign up, log in and start realizing what some of America’s largest companies have already discovered. Locus is offering free data loading to encourage companies to try a better approach that will forever change the way they manage data.

“We are continually surprised by the state of environmental data management in the environmental industry. Customers routinely come to us with boxes of CDs, faxes of report data tables, and hard-copy lab reports and tell us these are critical data for the closure of their environmental sites–sites that carry many millions of dollars of liability for the company for which they spent millions collecting the data. Locus helps customers migrate and organize their data quickly and effectively, so they can optimize the value they receive from Locus’s on-demand EIM software. Once uploaded to EIM, everyone can work from a single, centralized database and never again deal with inconsistent and inaccessible data,” said Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus.

Locus’s on-demand model is an innovative, low-risk, and flexible solution for laboratories, consultants, regulatory agencies, potentially responsible parties (PRPs) and companies that own environmentally impacted sites. With little up-front investment, customers can take control of their data, rid themselves of the current inefficient and insecure practices, and start enjoying the benefits of EIM’s versatile and proven set of tools to manage, view, and
report their data. EIM organizes environmental data and automates analytical data management, from laboratory electronic data submittals and regulatory agency reporting to exciting data visualization in real-time through Google maps. EIM is the only system in the marketplace that has been serving environmental data on the web continuously more than 8 years.

You owe it to your company, and yourself, to try Locus’s EIM, and we are making it simple and risk-free with this offer. Please read the “fine print” for offer conditions and exclusions.

Fine Print: For a limited time, Locus is offering free upload of historical analytical data into our EIM system, free of charge. Maximum five (5) sites per customer. The offer is valid until 31 December 2006. To qualify for this offer, you must sign a 1-year hosted service contract with Locus and provide your data to Locus in one of the following electronic formats: EQuIS, GISKey, Terrabase, Access, Oracle, SQL database, Excel spreadsheet, flat ASCI file, or similar. A separate arrangement can be made for paper-based data. Locus’s existing customers are ineligible for this offer.

Santa Clara Valley Water District selects Locus Technologies for groundwater program

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., September 9, 2006 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the leading groundwater consultant, announced today that the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) selected Locus to perform a cutting edge forensic study on perchlorate at the Llagas Groundwater Subbasin in the Morgan Hill area of California.

Locus will have to obtain scientifically defensible data of known quality, because of the sensitive nature associated with SCVWD’s Perchlorate Source and Background Studies. Locus will develop a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) designed to maximize precision, accuracy, representation, compatibility, and completeness of the data set, while minimizing the potential for false negatives and false positives. The work includes preparation of the
QAPP, geostatistical analyses to select representative wells for the study, sampling, isotope and geochemical analyses, and final findings and reporting. Because of the sensitivity of this work, Locus teamed with the best researchers in isotope and geostatistical analyses. Locus’s web-based, award-winning information management technologies, such as EIM and the LocusFocus portal, will be used to manage data and information associated with the project.

This award cements Locus’s reputation as a company on the forefront of the high-end environmental consulting business on complex groundwater contamination problems.

“This is an important win for us and comes to us at the time when our perchlorate-related groundwater consulting practice is rapidly expanding,” said Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus Technologies.

Mr. Elie Haddad, Vice President of Locus’s Services and Solutions Division and the manager of the program added, “We are very pleased to be selected by SCVWD for this important groundwater study. Locus was selected through a competitive bidding process, among many fine consulting firms, because of our extraordinary project team that brought a unique approach, scientific ideas, information management technology, and program management skills to the table. We look forward to working with SCVWD and to continuing expanding on the advantage we built over the last decade as the leading consultant for complex groundwater issues in the Silicon Valley.”

Project execution will come primarily from Locus’s office in Mountain View, California.

Locus and Lancaster Labs team to bring Powered by Locus to customers

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., September 15, 2006 — Locus Technologies, the industry leader in environmental information management, and Lancaster Laboratories, one of the largest single-site commercial testing laboratories in the nation, today announced the release of Lancaster Labs “Powered by Locus” online service to help consultants, industrial clients, and regulatory agencies prepare and evaluate their analytical data.

“Powered by Locus” is an exciting new online environmental data service that Lancaster is able to offer its customers. Lancaster, one of the many analytical laboratories that use Locus’s Environmental Information Management System (EIM) to deliver electronic analytical and environmental data to their customers, was so impressed with EIM’s ability to manage electronic data from analytical laboratories, that they wanted to incorporate Locus’s
technology into their own data delivery process.

Using Powered by Locus, Lancaster provides their customers with access to analytical data and gives them the ability to download the data in customizable report formats. Customers get their data through a user-friendly online system available 24/7. Customers can work with Lancaster to customize their data interface, or they can create their own electronic data formats, with the ability to check their data with site-specific valid values.

Lancaster Labs President, Wilson Hershey, Ph.D. states, “We’re excited to offer Powered by Locus to our clients. Lancaster Labs’ strength in electronic data generation and the Powered by Locus tools will enable our clients to access and output Lancaster Labs data in the format that best suits their data reporting needs. This system provides the flexibility to create reports, sort, and summarize data to meet our clients’ many data reporting requirements. We think Powered by Locus will be a valuable tool for consultants and industrial clients and
will enable them to reduce both their time and costs associated with electronic data processing.”

According to Locus Technologies President and CEO, Neno Duplancic, “Powered by Locus is a natural extension of our leading-edge online environmental data management software services. We have developed a tool for analytical labs to better serve their customers that avoids costly and risky submittals of Electronic Data Deliverables as e-mail attachments, while improving data integrity, quality, and security. Labs already using EIM know of our capabilities and are eager to introduce our products to their customers. Powered by Locus is a perfect way to streamline delivery of laboratory analytical data through a web-based channel. We think this is a great fit for both companies and their existing customers, and we are excited to be able to reach additional customers.”

Using SEDD Files With the Web-Based Environmental Information Monitoring (EIM) System

Todd Pierce, The 20th Annual National Environmental Management Conference