Locus Joins Water Week by Offering Water Quality Management Software in the Cloud

While some scientists may still disagree as to whether or not greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activities are largely responsible for global warming change, there is almost no dispute that water-related issues represent a challenge to mankind that is of no less importance than climate change.

Any emission of unwanted gases into the air can be almost instantly remediated by cutting off the source. However, any gases that have escaped cannot be recaptured to be remediated. In contrast, water that is contaminated frequently can be treated, but the process is generally lengthy, costly, and energy-intensive.

Amid the rapidly growing concerns regarding the degradation of water quality and water scarcity, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) launched the CDP Water Disclosure, an initiative that seeks to increase reporting on water-related risks and opportunities, especially by companies operating in water-intensive sectors.  Governments and other voluntary reporting organizations such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) are expected to provide the industry with more water reporting frameworks in the near future that are similar to those that exist for carbon reporting. Furthermore, water-related activities such as pumping, purification, irrigation, energy production, hydro fracturing, etc. are some of the biggest, if not the biggest contributors to GHG emissions. It is estimated that over 25 percent of GHG emissions in California are attributable to water-related activities. The entire output of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant is spent on moving water in California, and that’s a lot of Giga-Watt hours (GWh).

Of all the types of water-related data that companies need, one stands out in terms of its sheer quantity and complexity: the measurements pertaining to water quality. Existing regulations require monitoring and reporting of the contamination of surface water bodies and groundwater by various industrial processes, spills, and other releases.  Monitoring and reporting on such activities generate enormous quantities of data that until recently have rarely been used for anything other than to comply with regulatory reporting requirements.  However, entities such as the CDP Water Disclosure project and the GRI reporting initiative are starting to shift the focus from compliance–based monitoring and reporting of effluents, to the scarcity and quality of drinking water supplies and the impact of energy associated with water activities on carbon emissions.

As detection technology improves and human exposure to low-level contamination is linked to more diseases, more testing will be required for ever smaller and smaller concentration levels.  All of this means only more and more information that needs to be captured, stored, managed, and reported.

If one can find information on almost any topic within seconds on the web and for free, why should companies pay their consultants to mine their own water, carbon, and other environmental data to find information that the company already owns? A different approach is called for, one that relies on new web-based software that gives environmental professionals Google-like abilities to search complex water data sets and growing piles of seemingly unrelated water quality information. Finding water quality information on the fly should be no different and as easy as creating graphs showing financial performance of the stock over time using one of the popular financial websites, such as Yahoo Finance.

New Web 2.0 technologies provide a low cost means of making critical information available that organizations need to understand and manage their overall water or carbon footprint. Web-based Environmental Information Management systems offered through Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms (increasingly referred to these days as Cloud Computing), can provide the collaborative software tools businesses need to (1) organize and manage their water quality information from a single virtual location, (2) automate workflow processes, 3) gain ownership of their data, and (4) open up relevant datasets to the public via overlays on web-based GIS technologies such as Google maps.  An added benefit of these systems is that they allow for the possibility of accessing and linking not just water quality data, but all relevant environmental information, including compliance, greenhouse gases, sustainability and climate change data, and even health data and information, from a single entry point on the web.

Governmental agencies, companies, and other NGOs that have to manage water quality data would benefit from adopting the Cloud Computing model. Cloud computing-based software allows companies to manage and organize their water quality data on a larger and more comprehensive scale, including water and carbon footprint reporting, thus avoiding the need to buy additional software or store the same data in more than one location.  It is slowly making its way into companies that have to manage large quantities of water quality data and meet routine compliance requirements. The Cloud-based enterprise software model fits the way environmental information needs to be managed through the use of mashups (applications that integrate data or functionality from multiple sources or technologies), and has the potential to completely upend the way corporations manage their water, carbon and other environmental data.  And with proliferation of smart phones connected to the Web, one can collect and report data in real time directly from a smart phone. In summary, what industry needs is Cloud-based Environmental Enterprise Resource Planning, or EERP.

Water quality issues pose potential liabilities of billions of dollars to businesses worldwide.  Companies would find themselves able to make quicker, more confident decisions at less cost if they managed the data associated with these risks using robust web-based information management systems similar to existing ERP systems.  What industry needs is a portal-like software platform that allows Single Sign On (SSO) to multiple applications for managing, organizing, and visualizing air, water, soil, emissions, energy and sustainability data that can easily mash up.

Innovation, collaboration are hallmarks of Asheville’s science and high tech industries

“There seems to be a lot more focus on collaboration and building the community rather than just the bottom line. People are more willing to come together for work and to share their expertise.” — Dr. Todd Pierce, Director, Geographic Information Systems, Locus Technologies

Read full article here.

Silicon Valley Business Journal Rates Locus Technology as one of the top five Silicon Valley Environmental Firms, First in Environmental Software

The biggest environmental firms have over 190 professionals combined in the valley.

2012 EPRI Groundwater Protection Workshop Wrap-Up

The most significant discussions focused on the recent Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) guidance to combine Underground Piping and Tank Integrity efforts with the Groundwater Protection program as a whole.

EPA Introduces New Air Quality Standards

Organizations around the world face increasing regulations focusing on environment, health and safety (EHS) issues. Managing these rules and regulations are a very resource-intensive activity with greater risk of brand damage, penalties, and fines for non-compliance.

Organizations have to spend significant resources in tracking these regulations carefully, and organizations have to be even more vigilant with changing international regulations, which can affect business agility and continuity.

This month Environmental Protection Agency announced new air quality standards intended to reduce the amount of soot that can be released into the air.

Environmental groups and public health advocates welcomed the move by the EPA, saying it would protect millions of Americans at risk for soot-related asthma attacks, lung cancer, heart disease and premature death.

EPA said that the new rule is based on a rigorous scientific review. All but six counties in the United States would meet the proposed standard by 2020 with no additional actions needed beyond compliance with existing and pending rules set by the EPA.

The rules include controversial regulations governing mercury emissions and cross-state air pollution emitted by power plants. The new rule would set the maximum allowable standard for soot in a range of 12 to 13 micrograms per cubic meter of air. The current annual standard is 15 micrograms per cubic meter. The EPA said it would start designating counties that fail to meet the new soot standards as soon as 2014.

Soot, made up of microscopic particles released from smokestacks, diesel trucks and buses, wood-burning stoves and other sources, contributes to haze and can burrow into lungs. Breathing in soot can cause lung and heart problems.

Locus Awarded contract to manage Jack Engle & Co. environmental data

SAN FRANCISCO, 4 June 2012 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the industry leader in Cloud-computing enterprise software for environmental, energy, air, water, and compliance management, has been selected to manage the compliance and environmental activities of Jack Engle & Co., with its award-winning Environmental Information Management (EIM) and ePortal software.

Jack Engle & Co., one of the largest scrap metal recycling companies on the West Coast, brokers and processes ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals, stainless steel, and high-temperature alloys. Jack Engle & Co. will implement EIM and ePortal to help manage its environmental data, compliance activities, and calendars in one centralized repository online. The data will aggregate from multiple Jack Engle sites and locations in the Western U.S.; the company plans to use ePortal to lower costs associated with its environment, health, and safety functions; manage permits and assets; and track regulatory data related to its sites and assets.

“We are really excited to streamline our compliance activities across the organization with Locus’ ePortal,” said Al Gaspar, Human Resources Manager of Jack Engle & Co. “Being able to access all of our data anytime, online, will help with our broader strategy to automate more of our operations.”

“Locus ePortal and EIM is a great tool for organizations of all sizes, and we believe that Jack Engle & Co. will reap the benefits of significant cost savings and increased efficiency in its environmental tracking, reporting, and monitoring.” said Neno Duplan, President and CEO of Locus.


JACK ENGLE & Co., a family-owned and -operated in Los Angeles since 1965, brokers and processes ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals, stainless steel, and high-temperature alloys. The company has facilities in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Mexico. For more information, visit

The University of Texas at El Paso Selects Locus Technologies Cloud Software for Compliance Management

UTEP Main Campus to Integrate Environmental Management via Locus Cloud

SAN FRANCISCO and El Paso, Texas, 21 May 2012 — The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Department has selected Locus Technologies’ (Locus’) award-winning ePortal™ platform to provide a comprehensive, integrated system for monitoring and managing its compliance needs at its main campus in El Paso.

The UTEP EH&S department is responsible for a variety of regulatory compliance issues at the main campus, which is undergoing a major expansion. More than $290 million in new construction and renovation projects have been under way on the UTEP campus. University facilities services are working systematically to design new buildings to meet LEED specifications, re-design landscaping to conserve water, and retrofit existing facilities to reduce energy and water consumption. EH&S compliance activities are an integral part of all of these undertakings.

Prior to selecting ePortal, each person responsible for individual compliance activities was required to log tasks in Outlook calendars. Now, they will be able to centralize all activities into one, web-based Locus database. ePortal will provide the UTEP EH&S team with visibility and transparency from a full campus perspective of all activities, asset management, and campus construction to help ensure that the university is complying with all regulations. The university’s EH&S management will be able to take a more holistic view of its operations, enabling it to reduce departmental expenditures.

“Organizations of all types are looking beyond Outlook and spreadsheets to address their environmental and other compliance issues,” said Neno Duplan, president and CEO of Locus Technologies. “We are very pleased to become a partner of choice to the UTEP growth strategy by providing comprehensive software platform to better manage their compliance needs.”

“Management of our complex set of activities requires robust software architectures via the Cloud. We found in Locus’ platform a solution to meet our growth to Tier One head-on,” said Robert Moss, Assistant Vice President for Environmental Health and Safety. “By working with Locus, we will improve our ability to manage EH&S activities, which will in turn, improve our effectiveness. Locus’ ePortal helps us fulfill our commitment to sustainable growth as we prepare the campus for the evolving educational needs of our 21st century students.”

Locus Awarded GSA Contract Under IT Schedule 70

Locus acquires GSA contract to offer Cloud-based environmental and energy software to federal customers

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., 7 May 2012 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the industry leader in Cloud-computing enterprise software for environmental, energy, air, water, and compliance management, has been awarded the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment, Software, and Services Schedule 70 Contract Number GS-35F-0370Y. Locus acquired the GSA contract to offer its award-winning EIM and ePortal software through a simplified acquisition channel to federal, state, and local government agencies across the country.

The GSA is responsible for improving the government’s workplace by managing assets, delivering maximum value in acquisitions, preserving historic property, and implementing technology solutions. The U.S. government has an urgent need for a centralized system to manage environmental data at its own sites (at agencies like the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, OSHA, or NRC), or to manage large environmental, sustainability, and compliance data streams submitted by private industry to regulating agencies such as the EPA, NRC, or DOT. Most environmental data are not submitted electronically under the legacy system, mostly due to technical limitations of the current platforms. Locus’ Environmental Information Management (EIM) will serve to help disparate government agencies to receive more data electronically and to manage and organize those huge environmental datasets that are currently scattered among many different systems.

Legacy systems have prevented government agencies from realizing cost savings through more efficient technologies; however, many governmental agencies, such as the EPA, DOE, and DOD, should see immediate benefits from implementing the Cloud-based software.

Locus environmental information management platforms have been deployed for more than 15 years by some of the world’s largest companies. Several DOE sites already use Locus software to manage their environmental data and have tested the scalability of the software within agency systems. Governmental agencies now can use the same system that has offered significant cost savings to organizations in the private sector by automating processes of data acquisition, management, and reporting. With the Locus system, governmental agencies will be able to focus time on actually reviewing incoming information for exceedances rather than on the laborious process of data input and analysis of spreadsheets and custom-built applications.

“Locus has been providing high-quality software solutions to the private sector for more than a decade, and has a demonstrated history of efficient and accurate software, excellent customer service, and a fair and transparent pricing structure. The time has come for governmental agencies to embrace Cloud computing and benefit from a centralized enterprise system,” said Neno Duplan, President and CEO of Locus. “Locus ePortal and EIM, offered in a multi-tenant government instance, will allow U.S. federal, state, and local agencies to rapidly deploy the latest environmental and energy management software.”

Locus will be presenting at the 2012 EPRI Groundwater Protection Workshop on June 27-29, 2012 in Orlando, FL

EPRI is happy to announce the third annual coordination of the EPRI Groundwater Protection Workshop with the NEI Radioactive Effluent Technical Specifications/Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs(RETS/REMP) Workshop.