ZDNet GreenTech Pastures | Seeing is believing: Locus Technologies environmental software helps visualize the impact

If seeing is believing, then we could all benefit from more environmental software applications like the one sold by Locus Technologies. You input your data once; it visualizes the impact.

Santa Clara Valley Water District selects Locus Technologies for recycled water study

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., August 25, 2007 — The Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) selected Locus Technologies to perform a study of potential groundwater impacts from expanded use of recycled water for irrigation in the Santa Clara and Llagas Groundwater Sub-basins, California.

For this project, Locus will be using several investigative techniques to assess the potential impact to groundwater from use of recycled water. In addition to fate and transport evaluation of recycled water chemicals of concern, such as NDMA, HAA5, and trace metals, Locus will perform soil core bench tests and conduct a full-scale pilot test to monitor chemical concentrations as recycled water percolates through the vadose zone. From these tests, Locus will assess the soil aquifer treatment capacity, evaluate the potential of recharged recycled water to degrade the groundwater quality, and develop water quality standards for the recycled water to be used in the Llagas and Santa Clara Groundwater Sub-basins. To help the stakeholders in their practice, Locus will identify best management practices for irrigating with recycled water and identify necessary ongoing monitoring requirements to protect groundwater resources.

This award cements Locus’s reputation as a company on the forefront of the high-end environmental consulting business on complex groundwater problems.

“This is an important win for us at the time when companies and government are under pressure to achieve sustainability goals,” said Mr. Elie Haddad, Vice President of Locus’s Environmental Services Division. “On one hand, there is a push to reuse recycled water, and, on the other hand, this reuse should not degrade our precious groundwater resources. Our study will bring the balance between what seems to be competing goals. We are very pleased to be selected through a competitive bidding process by SCVWD for this important groundwater study. We look forward to continue partnering with industry and local governmental agencies to protect the precious Silicon Valley groundwater resources and provide long term stewardship for this most important resource.” added Haddad.

Project execution will come primarily from Locus’s office in Mountain View, California.

Santa Clara Valley Water District selects Locus Technologies for groundwater program

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., September 9, 2006 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the leading groundwater consultant, announced today that the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) selected Locus to perform a cutting edge forensic study on perchlorate at the Llagas Groundwater Subbasin in the Morgan Hill area of California.

Locus will have to obtain scientifically defensible data of known quality, because of the sensitive nature associated with SCVWD’s Perchlorate Source and Background Studies. Locus will develop a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) designed to maximize precision, accuracy, representation, compatibility, and completeness of the data set, while minimizing the potential for false negatives and false positives. The work includes preparation of the
QAPP, geostatistical analyses to select representative wells for the study, sampling, isotope and geochemical analyses, and final findings and reporting. Because of the sensitivity of this work, Locus teamed with the best researchers in isotope and geostatistical analyses. Locus’s web-based, award-winning information management technologies, such as EIM and the LocusFocus portal, will be used to manage data and information associated with the project.

This award cements Locus’s reputation as a company on the forefront of the high-end environmental consulting business on complex groundwater contamination problems.

“This is an important win for us and comes to us at the time when our perchlorate-related groundwater consulting practice is rapidly expanding,” said Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus Technologies.

Mr. Elie Haddad, Vice President of Locus’s Services and Solutions Division and the manager of the program added, “We are very pleased to be selected by SCVWD for this important groundwater study. Locus was selected through a competitive bidding process, among many fine consulting firms, because of our extraordinary project team that brought a unique approach, scientific ideas, information management technology, and program management skills to the table. We look forward to working with SCVWD and to continuing expanding on the advantage we built over the last decade as the leading consultant for complex groundwater issues in the Silicon Valley.”

Project execution will come primarily from Locus’s office in Mountain View, California.

Locus awarded security assessment contract with state of Arizona

PHOENIX, Arizona, 17 December 2004  — Locus Technologies has been awarded a competitive bid contract to support the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) with security vulnerability assessments for drinking water and waste water systems throughout the state.

Until recently, contamination of water with biological, chemical, or radiologic agents generally resulted from natural, industrial, or unintentional man-made accidents. Unfortunately, recent terrorist activity in the U.S. has forced public health agencies and water utilities to consider the possibility of intentional contamination of U.S. water supplies as part of an organized effort to disrupt and damage important elements of our national infrastructure.

The contract, which is part of a federally sponsored program to enhance security systems for water and wastewater plants, demonstrates Locus’s ability to utilize its traditional expertise in water, wastewater, and groundwater, coupled with our leading role in environmental information management technology, to support critical services relating to post-9/11 security programs.

“Locus is pleased to provide ADEQ with security assessment services. Although detection methods for recognizing intentional contamination of a water supply are improving, the best method to fight this threat is prevention. Locus is well-positioned to use its deep domain expertise, coupled with advanced environmental information technology expertise, to provide vulnerability assessment on a plant-by-plant basis. Early recognition of potential vulnerability, accurate diagnosis for improvements, and conscientious approach to infrastructure improvements and surveillance will be critical to maintaining water security and safety and to protecting the nation’s public health in the future,” says Dr. Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus Technologies.

Our team of recognized wastewater and security system experts has unique capabilities and experience in the developing market niche of post-9/11 security services. We are proud to do our part in the protection of America’s vital assets,” added Duplancic.

Locus awarded multi-phase Superfund project with ADEQ

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., 10 May 2004  — Locus Technologies has been awarded a multi-phase project to support the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) at the West Central Phoenix, North Canal State Superfund site. The project, which is valued at nearly $300,000, will allow Locus to provide consulting support to the ADEQ for both a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) and Early Response Action (ERA) services.

Locus is pleased to build on its established and in-depth experience at Superfund sites in the west and its extensive resume with chlorinated hydrocarbon investigation and remediation programs.

“Locus staff in Phoenix have extensive prior experience with ADEQ WQARF projects. That experience, coupled with Locus’ outstanding reputation at EPA Region 9 sites, makes for a powerful combination in supporting the ADEQ with this valued public service project,” says Mark Bittner, Locus Regional Director and WCP Project Manager.

Neno Duplancic, President and CEO of Locus, adds “Locus is also providing ADEQ with database management services as an integral part of our RI/FS program. We are excited to provide ADEQ with hands-on exposure to our Environmental Information Management (EIM™) web-based data management software. EIM will allow ADEQ to easily track current and historic groundwater data trends, increasing department efficiency and saving costs.”

Locus Wins Baldwin Park Operable Unit Superfund Site Professional Consulting and Engineering Services

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, 31 May 2002 — Locus Technologies (Locus), a leader in groundwater consulting and engineering services, announced today that it has been selected by certain settling Cooperating Respondents to provide professional consulting and engineering services at the Baldwin Park Operable Unit (BPOU), a part of the San Gabriel Valley Superfund site. The San Gabriel Valley Superfund site consists of plumes of groundwater contamination in an area more than a mile wide and 7 miles long. The groundwater in this area is utilized for multiple purposes, including public water supply. Traditionally, local water companies simply shut down water supply wells to avoid service of impacted groundwater. Groundwater contamination extends from the water table to more than 1,000 feet below ground surface. The primary contaminants in groundwater are chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), perchlorate, N nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), and 1,4-dioxane. Contaminant concentrations measured in groundwater in the BPOU area range up to several tens of parts per million.

In March 1994, EPA issued a Record of Decision (ROD) and selected a cleanup plan for VOCs in the BPOU and, in 1999, subsequently issued an explanation of significant differences to the ROD requiring additional treatment systems as a result of the discovery of perchlorate, NDMA, and 1,4-dioxane in groundwater. EPA then issued a Unilateral Administrative Order on 30 June 2000, directing 19 potential responsible parties (PRPs) to complete the remedial design and make arrangements for the construction and operation of the BPOU groundwater extraction wells, treatment systems, and related cleanup facilities. The selected remedy, now in the design and construction stage, calls for large groundwater pump-and-treat systems capable of extracting and treating approximately 21,000 gallons per minute. Current plans approved by EPA call for the remedy to be built as four sub-projects, ranging in capacity from 2,500 gallons per minute to 7,800 gallons per minute. Each subproject will have two or more groundwater extraction wells and a series of treatment processes expected to include air-stripping, ion exchange, and UV oxidation. Clean, treated water will be distributed by local water purveyors for use in the public water supply system.

Locus’s contract is with several of the Cooperating Respondents that include companies such as Oil & Solvent Process Company, Reichhold, Inc., Azusa Land Reclamation Co., Inc., Fairchild Holding Company, Hartwell Corporation, Huffy Corporation, and Wynn Oil Company. “We are very pleased to be selected as consultants to one of the largest groundwater cleanup projects in the United States. This further demonstrates Locus’s ability to provide technical and strategic representation to its clients on complex, multidisciplinary groundwater sites. We will be working closely with the Cooperating Respondents to implement the groundwater remedy and restore the public drinking water supply” said Mr. Gregory Murphy, Vice President of Locus Technologies in charge of the program.

Locus Technologies Discusses Brownfields’ Allure, The Business Journal

What’s a little contamination when land prices are surging?

Ted Cuzzillo — Contributing Writer
Contaminated land is a scourge in many urban areas, but in the booming South Bay it’s often more than worth the trouble of cleaning it up.

“Demand is so huge,” said real estate broker John Troughten of Cushman Wakefield, “the contamination doesn’t even matter.”

These aren’t the highly contaminated Superfund sites but rather their less dangerous and more easily reused relatives called brownfields. While there are certain technical standards for a city or other government entity to declare a site a brownfield, the term also has wide informal use for any land with contamination that temporarily limits its usability.

Because they can more easily be put back into productive use, brownfields have prompted several state and federal programs to subsidize remediation and help define liability.

But in the booming Silicon Valley, simple economics usually obviate slow-moving government programs.


Changing Economics
The rule-of-thumb discount on land with a contamination stigma–whether formally designated or not–is 30 percent. That’s generally plenty to pay for remediation.

Perhaps more important, said Mr. Troughton, are rapidly appreciating values on land and the value of any development on it. While the cost of remediation and building remains almost the same, values are soaring. “The monstrous amount of profit that’s happening is because of super demand,” he said.

The growing scarcity of commercial land has forced sites that were once not even considered for development out onto the market, said Mr. Troughton. “It used to be that you could pick between two or three pieces of property, but now you’re lucky if you get one.”

Preparing a site for reuse is called remediation, not cleanup, since few sites are ever cleaned to their original states. Factors determining how clean “clean” is include pressure on site owners from their attorneys, technical consultants, regulatory agencies, the general public and their representatives, according to Michael Lane, a principal at Greenbrae Environmental in Marin County.


How it got that way
Brownfield remediation in the South Bay is generally easier than in San Francisco,
Emeryville or other areas around the bay with more varied industrial histories.

The bulk of Silicon Valley contamination can be traced to the 1950s and ’60s manufacture of semiconductors by such companies as Raytheon, Fairchild Semiconductor and GTE. They used a solvent known as trichloroethylene, commonly known as TCE and at the time believed to be nontoxic.

Toxic or not, it wasn’t supposed to escape the underground fiberglass vaults used to store it. Fortunately, TCE readily dissipates when exposed to air. Also, land can be used even as remediation continues — usually with the lowest possible profile.

“Brownfield in Silicon Valley is probably the best kept secret,” said Neno Duplancic, president and CEO of Locus Technologies.

And while they may not be as bad as Superfund sites, brownfields aren’t innocuous. Mr. Duplancic cites an article published this month in the New England Journal of Medicine (www.nejm.org) that says 80 to 90 percent of cancers are due to environmental exposure, not genetics (Unfortunately, this article has been removed).

“Yet in the past 15 years, the explosion of molecular genetics has overshadowed environmental explanations by revealing genetic mechanisms underlying cancer,” the article says. Mr. Duplancic called the research “a significant boost for environmental industry.”


Pump, scrub, or let it be
The Netscape Communications campus in Mountain View, cited by many as an example of successful reuse, employs ongoing remediation.

Machines continuously pump groundwater up and over activated charcoal within structures resembling 1950s-style science-fiction rockets. These “air scrubbers” reduce what are already unmeasurable levels of concentration with no evidence of risk to health, Mr. Duplancic said.

The process is analogous to rinsing detergent from a sponge. After many rinses, it still seems to have more in it.

Old gas stations were another source of contamination in the form of petroleum distillates. Like TCE, gasoline dissipates easily in the air. Another, newer technique is to use petroleum-eating microbes.

Builders can also help avoid the effects of remaining underground contamination. For example, instead of disturbing contaminants by hammering piles, some builders use a “spread” foundation — a concrete pad underneath the entire building — and vapor barriers to stop gases from leaking upward into the building, perhaps concentrating in a closet that’s opened only once or twice a year.

The new Microsoft campus on Torre Avenue in Cupertino used both techniques to remediate dangers from effects of leaks from an old paving company’s 20,000-gallon underground diesel tank.

A controversial new trend is “monitored natural attenuation,” said Mr. Lane. Contaminants are left in place and monitored at regular intervals.

The legal environment has evolved over the last few years. Historically, prospective land buyers feared being held liable even if they had no involvement in polluting.

“The liability hasn’t changed,” said Jim Hanson, the Region 9 brownfields coordinator at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in San Francisco. “but now there’s a lot of new policy and enforcement discretion.”

A new lender liability policy clarifies that unless a lender had some involvement in management of site, the EPA won’t consider it potentially liable. Also, when property sits above a contaminated aquifer but was not the source of pollution, the land owner will not be held responsible.

Other new tools include insurance that kicks in if property is remediated and then more contamination is found.

Are there more brownfields in the making? It’s a lot less likely today. In Mountain View, for example, pharmaceuticals is the only manufacturing industry now, said Michael Percy, principal planner for the city. And the controls are “a thousand times more strict” than in the past.

Ted Cuzzillo is a freelance writer based in Point Richmond. Contact him at

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