Getting More from your Environmental Data using Dashboards with Integrated Mapping

Today is GIS Day, a day started in 1999 to showcase the many uses of geographical information systems (GIS). Earlier Locus blog posts have explained how GIS and maps support visualization of objects in space and over time. This post covers a specific visualization method called data dashboards.  

A data dashboard is a combination of charts, maps, text, and images that enables analysis of data and thereby promotes discovery of previously unknown relationships in the data. Companies and organizations use dashboards to develop insight into the overall status of a company or of a company division, process, or product line. Dashboards are also a common function in ‘business intelligence’ applications such as Microsoft Power BI and Tableau. A printed dashboard is static, but an online dashboard can be dynamic; in a dynamic dashboard, interacting with one item on the dashboard causes the other items to update. Taken together, the visualizations on a dynamic dashboard can help you find the story in your data. 

One reason dashboards are so helpful is that they allow humans to partially ‘offload’ their thinking. Cognitive research has shown that human ‘working memory’ handles at most four items at a time. A good visualization, however, reduces the number of items to process in memory. 

Consider a large table of carbon dioxide emissions by country for multiple years; it can be difficult to keep all the numbers in mind if you are trying to find trends.

If you plot the data in a graph, however, each series of data in the chart becomes just one line on the graph. It is much easier to compare lines on the chart than to compare columns of numbers.

Now consider making a map with countries color coded by emissions. Again, for each country, the map reduces multiple numbers to a single color for that country on the map. You can compare country colors more easily than columns of numbers.

A dashboard that combines multiple visualizations further enhances data analysis. Imagine a dynamic dashboard showing you both the emissions chart and map described above. If you select a country on the map, the chart can highlight the line for that country, so you compare its emissions to other countries over time. Similarly, if you select a line on the chart for a specific country, the map can highlight the selected country to show how its emissions compare to nearby countries. This interactivity lets you drill into your data more effectively than using either the chart or the map by itself.

Here are three examples of effective dashboards that are available online:

Locus includes data dashboards in our applications. One example is the Site Metrics dashboard in EIM, Locus’s cloud-based, software-as-a-service application for environmental data management. The Site Metrics dashboard lets you perform roll-up queries across your portfolio of sites. A map on the dashboard shows all states with active sites. If you select one or more states, the dashboard updates the charts and tables on the right to show total sites, user logins, and record counts. Other dashboards can support showing sample locations of certain chemicals or counts of regulatory limit exceedances.

A further example comes from the Locus Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) application. ESG metrics are becoming increasingly important measures for an organization’s performance. Data dashboards can help companies quickly visualize trends in their ESG metrics using intuitive mapping tools.

This dashboard illustrates both spatial and time trends and provides the raw data necessary for auditability and transparent decision making. Having these features on a single combined view provides users with instant access to the key inputs for ESG prioritization, planning, and project implementation.

As these examples from Locus show, data dashboards with integrated mapping are important tools for maximizing the value of your collected environmental and ESG data. For any dataset with a geographic component, it’s important to incorporate mapping elements in the outputs, to highlight trends and patterns that may not otherwise be visible in a chart or table. Modern software can combine these output formats in a way that tells the story shown by your data.

Interested in Locus’ GIS solutions?

Locus GIS+ features all of the functionality you love in EIM’s classic Google Maps GIS for environmental management—integrated with the powerful cartography, interoperability, & smart-mapping features of Esri’s ArcGIS platform!

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[sc_image width=”150″ height=”150″ src=”16303″ style=”11″ position=”centered” disable_lightbox=”1″ alt=”Dr. Todd Pierce”]

About the Author—Dr. Todd Pierce, Locus Technologies

Dr. Pierce manages a team of programmers tasked with development and implementation of Locus’ EIM application, which lets users manage their environmental data in the cloud using Software-as-a-Service technology. Dr. Pierce is also directly responsible for research and development of Locus’ GIS (geographic information systems) and visualization tools for mapping analytical and subsurface data. Dr. Pierce earned his GIS Professional (GISP) certification in 2010.

The Past, Present, and Future of EHS & ESG

To celebrate a milestone 25 years of success in EHS and ESG software development, we sat down with Locus President, Wes Hawthorne for a brief discussion. In this post, we ask him a series of questions highlighting the past, present and future of EHS and ESG.

1. What are the greatest challenges that environmental professionals are facing?

One of the persistent challenges we’ve seen for the past 25 years is that the responsibilities of environmental professionals are continually expanding. Previously, almost all environmental work was localized, with facility-level permits for air, water, waste, etc. That has expanded over the years to include new regulations and reporting requirements for sustainability, social metrics, and other new compliance areas, while the old facility-level programs still continue. This has led to more pressure on environmental managers to keep up with these programs, and increased reliance on tools to manage that information. That’s where Locus has always focused our effort, to make that ever-expanding workload more manageable with modern solutions.

2. What are the most interesting trends in EHS and ESG?

The current flood of interest in ESG is certainly notable as far as bringing corporate attention to the environmental field, as well as having requirements originate from the SEC here in the US. We have become accustomed to managing oversight from multiple regulatory bodies at the local, state, and federal level, but SEC would be a newcomer in our line of work. Their involvement will be accompanied by a range of new requirements that are common for the financial world, but would be unfamiliar to environmental staff.

Across other EHS fields, we are seeing increased demand for transparency in EHS functions. Overall, this is a positive move, as it brings more attention to EHS issues and develops a better EHS culture within organizations. But this also drives the need for better tools to make EHS information readily available across all levels of the organization.

3. What are the most disruptive technologies available today?

As far as technologies, the ones most likely to have significant impact in the environmental field are ones that don’t require a significant capital investment. Although there are definitely some practical advantages to installing smart monitoring devices and other new technologies, procuring the funding for those purchases is often difficult for environmental professionals. Fortunately, there are still many technologies that have already been implemented successfully in other fields, but only need to be adapted for environmental purposes. Even simple changes like using web-based software in place of spreadsheets can have a huge impact on efficiency. And we haven’t yet seen the full impact of the proliferation of mobile devices on EHS functions. We are still working on new ways to take advantage of mobile devices for data collection, analysis, and communication purposes.

4. What do you think are the biggest innovations of the last 25 years in our field?

We’ve seen a number of innovation milestones in the past 25 years, and while we didn’t invent SaaS, we’ve been largely responsible for adapting it and perfecting it for environmental purposes. One of the major innovations we’ve integrated into our products include online GIS tools where users can easily visualize their environmental data on maps without expensive desktop software. Another one was our fully configurable software platform with built-in form, workflow, and report builders tailored for environmental purposes, which allows anyone to build and deploy environmental software applications that exactly match their needs. There have been many other innovations we’ve incorporated into our software, but these two stand out as the most impactful.

5. Where do you see Environmental and ESG reporting in the future?

More and more, we are seeing all types of reporting being converted into pure data exchanges. Reports that used to include regulatory forms and text interpretations are being replaced with text or XML file submittals. This transition is being driven largely by availability of technology for EHS professionals to generate and read these files, but it is also promoted by regulatory agencies and other stakeholders receiving these reports. Stakeholders have less time to read volumes of interpretive text, and are becoming more skeptical of potential bias in how facts are presented in text. These are driving the need for more pure data exchanges, with increasing emphasis on quantifiable metrics. These types of reports are also more readily compared against regulatory or industry standards. For reporters, lengthy corporate reports with volumes of text and graphics are becoming less common, and the success of an organization’s programs will be increasingly reliant on robust data sets, since ultimately only the data will be reported.

6. What has been the key reason for Locus’ success for the past 25 years?

There are actually a few that immediately come to mind. One reason is the nature of our continually evolving products. By providing our solutions as SaaS, our software adapts with new environmental requirements, and with new technologies. If our software was still the same as it was 25 years ago, it simply wouldn’t be sufficient for today’s requirements. Since our software is updated multiple times each year, it is difficult to notice the incremental changes, but they can be readily seen if you compare today’s software with the original in 1997. And we’re committed to continuing the development of our products as environmental needs change.

The other primary reason for our success is our excellent staff and the environmental expertise we bring to our customers. We simply could not provide the same level of support without our team of environmental engineers, scientists, geologists, chemists, and an array of others. Having that real-world understanding of environmental topics is how we’ve maintained customer relationships for multiple decades. And our software only has value because it is maintained and operated by staff who appreciate the complexity and importance of environmental work.

Locus President Wes Hawthorne meets with Locus Platform dev team 2016Mr. Hawthorne has been with Locus since 1999, working on development and implementation of services and solutions in the areas of environmental compliance, remediation, and sustainability. As President, he currently leads the overall product development and operations of the company. As a seasoned environmental and engineering executive, Hawthorne incorporates innovative analytical tools and methods to develop strategies for customers for portfolio analysis, project implementation, and management. His comprehensive knowledge of technical and environmental compliance best practices and laws enable him to create customized, cost-effective and customer-focused solutions for the specialized needs of each customer.

Mr. Hawthorne holds an M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Stanford University and B.S. degrees in Geology and Geological Engineering from Purdue University. He is registered both as a Professional Engineer and Professional Geologist, and is also accredited as Lead Verifier for the Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Low Carbon Fuel Standard programs by the California Air Resources Board.

Want to discuss EHS and ESG solutions with our product specialists? Contact us today!


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    The Convergence of Augmented Reality and GIS

    Today is GIS Day, a day started in 1999 to showcase the many uses of geographical information systems (GIS). Earlier blog posts by Locus Technologies for GIS day have shown how GIS supports cutting-edge visualization of objects in space and over time. This year’s post explains how GIS supports augmented reality.

    Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that enhances how we experience the real world by overlaying your surroundings with computer-generated objects. It differs from virtual reality (VR) because in VR, everything you see is computer generated, but in AR, the majority of what you see is real – your experience of reality is enhanced (augmented) but not totally replaced.

    You are probably familiar with one AR application already if you watch American football. The ‘virtual’ first down line that appears on field before each play is projected there by computer and is not really painted on the field. If you follow soccer (or football to the rest of the world), AR is used by a Video Assistant Referee (VAR) to objectively determine tight offsides decisions. Digital lines are drawn across the field to show whether or not attackers are illegally past the last defender or not. Another AR example is the popular game Pokémon Go that shows cute virtual creatures in your living room or your front yard.

    To experience AR, you need something to project the non-real objects onto your view of the world. Many AR applications use mobile phones or other devices. An AR application uses the camera view to show you the world around you and then overlays virtual objects onto the view. Other devices such as head mounted displays, ‘smart glasses’, or even ‘bionic contact lenses’ can use AR, but have not been as popular as phones or other mobile devices. In contrast to AR, VR cannot be fully supported with just a mobile device and usually requires headsets to immerse you in a virtual world. Because of this need, AR is much less intrusive than VR is.

    Countless other examples of AR already exist in many fields. A few selected applications include:

    • Online shoppers at some e-commerce sites can use smart devices to project furniture into their home to see how the pieces look before making a purchase.
    • Some clothing stores can project clothing onto shoppers’ bodies to check appearance without having to change clothes. These applications require the user to be in a special dressing booth with full body scanning capabilities.
    • Urban planners use AR to display how planned buildings, cell towers, wind turbines, and other structures would look in the existing space. Planners can walk the streets and view how proposed projects would alter the existing cityscape.
    • AR is used in manufacturing to display operation and safety instructions in a worker’s field of vision using head mounted displays, which circumvents the need to refer to bulky paper manuals.
    • Utility managers can see underground pipelines, water lines, sewer pipes, electrical lines, and other infrastructure projected below their feet.

    So how does GIS relate to AR? There are three main uses of GIS in AR:

    • Location: Any AR application must know where the user is and where to place virtual objects. In most cases, full GIS capabilities are not needed; instead, the application accesses a GPS (global positioning system) to find locations. Consider the Pokémon Go application mentioned before. The game knows where the various Pokémon need to appear. When a user plays the game, it uses GPS to find the user, and then shows any Pokémon that are near the user based on their locations.
    • Layers: An AR application may need to show features that are not visible to the user, such as underground electrical lines, earthquake fault lines, property lines, or planned buildings. All these features can be stored as GIS map layers in the cloud and then displayed in the AR application as virtual overlays projected on the real world. Furthermore, a user could select a displayed item and view related attribute information in the GIS layer. For example, a user could view the condition, age, and repair status of a selected water pipeline.
    • Navigation: An AR application may also need to help a user get from point A to point B, for example in a crowded airport or in a large warehouse. Such navigation could be facilitated by showing virtual route markers and arrows on the real world.

    Locus has been exploring environmental uses of AR and GIS by adding AR to Locus Mobile, which is the Locus app for collecting field data, completing EHS audits, tracking waste containers, and completing other tasks requiring users to gather data out of the office. Locus Mobile now features an AR mode to assist users when taking field samples. When the user activates AR mode, the app uses the camera to show the user’s immediate area. The app then puts multiple virtual markers on the display corresponding to sampling points located in that direction. As the user moves or rotates the phone to change the viewing area, the markers change to reflect the locations in the user’s line of sight. Clicking a marker provides more information including the location name and the distance from the user.

    Locus Mobile uses all three ways to combine GIS with AR:

    • By using GPS to find the user’s location and the locations of nearby sampling points.
    • By using GIS to display the layer of sampling points.
    • By using GIS to assist with navigation to sampling points by showing distance and direction.

    Here is a sample image from Locus Mobile showing three nearby sampling locations along with information about past events or measurements at the locations. The three blue banners are the augmented reality displayed on top of the view of the nearby surroundings.

    Locus Augmented Reality

    By using GIS and AR to assist users in finding sampling points, Locus Mobile makes field personnel more productive. Samplers can find field locations quickly and can easily pull up related information. Locus continues to explore using AR to expand the functionality of its environmental applications.

    Interested in Locus’ GIS solutions?

    Locus GIS+ features all of the functionality you love in EIM’s classic Google Maps GIS for environmental management—integrated with the powerful cartography, interoperability, & smart-mapping features of Esri’s ArcGIS platform!

    [sc_button link=”” text=”Learn more about Locus’ GIS solutions” link_target=”_self” color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#52a6ea” centered=”1″]

    [sc_image width=”150″ height=”150″ src=”16303″ style=”11″ position=”centered” disable_lightbox=”1″ alt=”Dr. Todd Pierce”]

    About the Author—Dr. Todd Pierce, Locus Technologies

    Dr. Pierce manages a team of programmers tasked with development and implementation of Locus’ EIM application, which lets users manage their environmental data in the cloud using Software-as-a-Service technology. Dr. Pierce is also directly responsible for research and development of Locus’ GIS (geographic information systems) and visualization tools for mapping analytical and subsurface data. Dr. Pierce earned his GIS Professional (GISP) certification in 2010.

    5 Ways to Manage Your Hazardous Waste

    The Locus Waste Management application enables EHS professionals to manage wastes across their entire enterprise and prepare reports with just one click.

    Top 10 Enhancements to Locus EHS Compliance Software in 2020

    Let’s take a look back on the most exciting new features and changes made in Locus Platform during 2020!

    Then and Now: Locus Platform for EHS&S

    Ahead of its time in 2002, Locus Platform (formerly ePortal) has seen a huge change over time from a simple portal at the beginning of the SaaS movement, to a fully configurable multi-tenant platform. Locus Platform (LP) houses any number of off-the-shelf and custom applications to meet EHS customer needs.

    Recology selects Locus Technologies EHS Compliance software

    Locus Platform will provide “out-of-the-box” configurable software to streamline Recology’s compliance tracking and reporting.

    MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., 4 December 2018 — Locus Technologies, the leader in enterprise EHS compliance and sustainability software, today announced that Recology, an integrated resource recovery company headquartered in San Francisco, California had selected Locus Platform EHS software for its system of record for EHS compliance activities. 

    “With Locus’ out-of-the-box solution, we can configure the applications to align with our current workflow and tailor the functionality to our specific needs.  The Locus Platform integration with the compliance content provider RegScan will help our Environmental Compliance team keep on top of all the regulations throughout California, Oregon, and Washington,” said Amy Dietz, Director of Environmental Compliance for Recology. 

    “By using Locus Platform Compliance application with integrated regulatory content services, Recology is combining the advantages of off-the-shelf software with Locus Platform’s powerful configuration tools. This means Recology will get exactly the software solution they need to fit their business processes in the shortest time,” said Wes Hawthorne, President of Locus.

    Locus is ready for e-Manifest

    EPA is establishing a national system for tracking hazardous waste shipments electronically. This system, known as “e-Manifest,” will modernize the nation’s cradle-to-grave hazardous waste tracking process. EPA is on schedule to launch e-Manifest on June 30, 2018.

    e-Manifest infographic

    Download the latest fact sheets for e-Manifest stakeholders.
    These fact sheets provide an overview of the e-Manifest program and the impacts it will have on each stakeholder. Each fact sheet outlines basic information about the e-Manifest system, how the specific stakeholder will be impacted, and what actions they need to take to use the e-Manifest system.

    [sc_button link=”” text=”Learn more about Locus’ Waste Management application” link_target=”_self” color=”ffffff” background_color=”52a6ea”]

    Have a question about Locus’ e-Manifest support?

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      Salt River Project selects Locus SaaS for waste information management

      Locus Platform provides “out-of-the-box” configurable software to streamline SRP’s Waste Management compliance tracking and reporting

      MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., 27 February 2018 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the industry leader in EHS, sustainability, and compliance management software, is pleased to announce that Salt River Project (SRP) selected the multi-tenant SaaS Locus Platform to streamline its waste management and tracking, as part of its ongoing environmental stewardship and sustainability initiatives. A key factor for SRP was the “out-of-the-box” configurability of Locus Platform, plus the ability to perform their own data migrations and build APIs to integrate with internal tools, such as their LIMS system.

      “The scalable, easy-to-use configuration in Locus Platform will allow us to standardize our waste management and reporting process, and integrating with Locus Mobile will simplify data collection and container management at our waste-generating facilities,” said Noah Manwaring, environmental systems development lead at SRP.

      ”Locus Platform will help our Waste Management resources to more effectively track, manage, and report information to regulatory agencies, facility managers, and corporate staff, and we can completely customize the solution using the built-in Configuration Workbench tool.”

      Locus Platform’s Waste application allows waste-generating facilities to manage waste cradle to grave—including waste streams, processes, detailed profiles, container details and weights, and storage locations—and to produce various report outputs like labels, manifests, and LDR generation.

      At the enterprise level, powerful dashboards and reports show users how each facility is generating and managing its waste, and built-in labeling and tracking streamlines workflows to create a full EHS compliance solution.

      “By taking our existing Waste application and adding in their API integrations, SRP is combining the advantages of off-the-shelf software with Locus Platform’s powerful configuration tools. This means SRP will get exactly the software solution they need to fit their business processes,” said Wes Hawthorne, President of Locus.

      Locus Technologies releases new Waste Management in Locus Platform

      The Locus waste management application is fully integrated with the dynamic Locus Platform and will automate waste management for small and large enterprises.

      MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., 28 February 2017 — Locus Technologies (Locus), the leader in cloud-based environmental compliance and sustainability management software, introduces a powerful waste management application to Locus Platform. Our new waste management app redefines how companies organize and manage their waste profiles and support EPA reporting requirements for hazardous and non-hazardous waste. With the click of a button the platform will be able to generate waste manifests, shipping labels or other documents populated with data from your records. The Locus Platform, a true multi-tenant SaaS, presents a highly flexible, user-friendly interface to meet individual organizations’ environmental management needs.

      Nearly everything that doesn’t leave your facility as a product eventually becomes waste that needs to be tracked, managed, disposed of, and reported. Regardless of hazardous, universal or recycling waste stream, Locus Platform is ready. Locus’ waste module brings an organized approach and workflow process to schedule, sample, and analyze results.

      One of the standout features that Locus Platform offers is the ability to generate new waste profiles. The flexibility of the platform allows users to create these manually, link to Locus’ EIM system or a third party’s testing results. You will be able to quickly reuse existing profile sheets, only updating the changed information. The platform will help consolidate your profiles in containers or whole areas, and features built in maps to help your transporter know exactly where to go to pick up the ready waste. Users are able to manage the composition of profiles through adding multiple chemical components to the profiles and accounting for their make-up of the whole profile.

      Locus Platform is ready out of the box to track waste at any number of locations. You are able to add or remove waste containers, storage locations, etc. from your generating facilities, and allow any user to create their own way of organizing their data by generating filtered dashboards. At the enterprise level powerful dashboards will help you understand how each facility is generating waste, and how it is being handled. With the platform’s flexibility, facility information can be automatically populated based on the user credentials, saving your team time and frustration.

      With Locus Platform’s waste management module you will also have real-time insight into your generator status. If your facility is expecting growth we can help you understand when you may reach small quantity generator status, setting up notifications when you approach the threshold limit. Forms will also automatically adapt to a change in status, prompting users to provide different data points when your generator status has changed. The new waste application is fully mobile-enabled to track container location and ensure storage compatibility in satellite accumulation areas. When paired with Locus’ EIM system, the tool can also track all of the waste sampling and characterization processes, and use that information directly to generate waste profiles.

      “Waste management processes require coordination between EHS managers, field staff, laboratories, TSD facilities, and other parties. For compliance purposes, it is critical to make sure that information is exchanged correctly and comprehensively between all of these entities in a timely manner. The Locus Platform gives you the notifications, mobile tools, and reporting tools to make waste management processes seamless for any organization. For companies that need to characterize hazardous waste and track detailed analytical data for profiling, this solution integrates directly with the Locus EIM system, giving an expanded toolset for validating and reviewing laboratory data.” said J. Wesley Hawthorne, President of Locus.