Entries by Neno Duplan

Exxon Mobil to Report on Asset Risks Due to Evolving Climate Policy

Exxon Mobil just became the first oil and gas company to agree to publish information about the risks that stricter limits on carbon emissions would place on their business. According to the New York Times, this decision stems from increasing pressure from shareholder activists to warn investors of the possible consequences. The energy giant has […]

A Planet of Environmental Data

Today, every discussion about changes in environment must begin with data. In its exponentially increasing volume, velocity and variety, environmental data is becoming a new corporate and natural resource. It promises to be for the 21st century what steam power was for the 18th, electricity for the 19th and hydrocarbons for the 20th. This is […]

New sustainability & environmental reporting standards for banks

Under recently published accounting standards, banks will now be called upon to report on their social and environmental impact. These new Sustainability Accounting Standards are backed by large investors, including the California state teachers’ pension fund, Calstrs, and were drawn up after negotiations with shareholders, accountants, and banks including Deutsche Bank, TD Bank, and Goldman […]

Conversations with Data

I was amazed with this presentation about data visualization by National Geographic Emerging Explorer and data artist Jer Thorp. We are witnessing a new revolution in data visualization and one of biggest possible benefactors of these new technologies will be environmental and sustainability professionals. But before data can be put to a good use and […]

2014 State of the Union Address: Obama on Energy

On the night of Tuesday, January 28 the President of the United States took to the podium to deliver the 2014 State of the Union Address. Among the many topics that President Obama covered, one of them was energy. The president gave praise to his all-of-the-above energy strategy he introduced a few years ago, and […]

The Battle Against Ozone-depleting Substances

Substances that contribute to the depletion of our ozone are a serious threat. Because ozone is our first line of defense against harmful UVB ultraviolet light from the sun, its decrease can lead to many serious consequences. These include a possible increase in skin cancer and other health risks, cataracts, and a decrease in plant […]

Climate Change Poses Threat to the World’s Water Supply

According to the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Germany, climate change is threatening the world’s water supply, increasing the number of people at risk of absolute water scarcity by 40 percent in this century alone. PIK heeds the warning that if the Earth should warm by 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit above pre-industrial levels […]

Is the U.S. Emitting More Methane Than We Thought?

According to a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), the United States may be emitting 50 percent more methane than the federal government had originally estimated. Methane, a greenhouse gas, is less prevalent in our atmosphere than carbon but is also a more powerful heat-trapping gas- approximately 21 times […]

Enterprise Environmental and Sustainability Information Management: There is a Better Way

Data published by the Environmental Business Journal indicate that the global environmental market is approaching one trillion dollars in annual expenditures. Last year U.S. environmental industry generated revenues of about one-third of that. The industry continues to grow at an average rate of five to ten percent per year, and is poised to grow even […]

Cloud Apps Critical Requirement No 10: Liberation from Non-Strategic IT Issues

Cloud applications should free environmental managers and their company’s IT Departments and their teams from time and energy spent on non-strategic, back-office IT operations and software coding. Today and into the future, the most highly valued CIOs—the ones that become heroes to the business—are those whose actions are closely aligned with strategic business initiatives and […]