Better decision making
Locus water data management software tracks quality, balance, and compliance across over half a billion water-related records
Our water is at risk. Not only is there too little, but it is vulnerable to emissions from agricultural waste, industrial effluents, pollutants, contaminants, and run-off. Water data management software can help.
The complexity of water quality measurements are orders of magnitude greater than quantity calculations. And the demands vary depending on the water’s source and use. Locus is a robust platform for managing all types of water balance and water quality data, and it flexes to the specific challenges for groundwater, surface water, drinking water, storm water and wastewater.
Our scalable water data management software modules span sample planning and mobile data collection, smart sensors, permit compliance, Consumer Confidence Reports, Discharge Monitoring Reports, produced water, and much more.
Locus manages over 1,250,000 worldwide locations and 500,000,000 analytical records in real time.
Worldwide Locations
Real-Time Analytical Records
Confidence in drinking water quality
Whether you’re testing for taste, odor, corrosion, customer complaints, or other water quality issues—managing an abundance of data can become overwhelming. Locus’ water data management software saves you time and resources on your scheduled data collection, tracking, and reporting. From the smallest township to the largest city, our water quality software, secured by Amazon Web Services, is robust and flexible enough to adapt to your specific needs and daily business processes. Learn more.
Tools for wastewater management
Every manufactured product uses some amount of water during parts of the production process for such purposes as fabricating, processing, washing, diluting, cooling, sanitizing within the manufacturing facility, or transporting within the supply chain or to market. This results in water-borne waste materials like acids, alkalies, toxic metals, oil, grease, dyes, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) compounds, lubricants, asbestos, phosphates, mercury, nitrates, sulfur, sulfuric acid, and many other poisonous materials, including radioactive substances.
Locus helps companies prove they have properly tested and tracked water samples, monitored tanks for leaks, immediately responded to spills, and treated and lawfully disposed of wastewater. Locus includes permit tracking, compliance calendars, and built-in templates for regulatory reports. Learn more.
Helpful integrations and compatibility
Locus water data management software supports different parties or systems for handling water quality data, such as laboratories, sensors, SCADA systems, IoT data streams, and field data collection crews. Simple imports, exports, and APIs streamline collaboration and enable cross-functional reporting and ESG disclosures.
Mobile data collection and smart meters
Locus Mobile enables field crews to collect data on their devices to become instantly actionable and verifiable. Additionally, Locus supports automated sensors that can measure things like physical and field data such as temperature, pressure, alkalinity, and other field-readable characteristics within treatment system processes and throughout watersheds.
Immediate notifications of problems
Locus sends notifications to designated users when regulatory exceedances have occurred or unexpected situations arise. Notifications can be triggers for public health alerts, additional data validation, repeat sampling, more analysis, or mandatory external notifications depending on the nature of the project. But more importantly, these notifications give you real-time information with maximum lead-time to respond responsibly.
Incident investigation tools
Upon receiving an alert of a potential problem, what next? Locus software helps users perform site investigations, data evaluations, and initiate remediation and containment protocols.
Insights from GIS maps and visual analytics
Data can be organized and used to improve operational efficiencies in industrial or other applications, conduct pollutant source assessments to target remediation/restoration activities, and develop management plans for protecting existing water quality. Being able to visualize your data, detect the impact of management changes in water quality parameters, and identify long-term trends or source areas will do wonders toward meeting water quality goals and tracking progress. Locus water data management software offers hydrographs, regression line charts, tree maps, contour maps, GIS, and more.
Built-in templates for regulatory reports
Whether you need to produce a CCR, NetDMR, or some other report, Locus offers automated, pixel-perfect reports that are generated with a single click.
Did you know?
Locus software easily scales to fit the smallest water utility and the largest chemical manufacturer. Likewise, our clients can easily expand Locus without interruption as their quantity of sites, facilities, compounds, and assets changes.