Simplify the complex and tedious work of defining sampling plans and outlining field instructions. One Locus client saved 256 hours of labor in one year by using the module.
Locus Sample Planning Module
Whether you’re doing groundwater monitoring, discharge cleanups, or water quality assurance testing, Locus Sample Planning Module (SPM) can be configured to fit your planning needs.
Locus SPM adjusts to one-time events like water main breaks and to complex, multi-year schedules with prescribed samples, parameters, and date intervals. No matter the scope and scale, Locus reduces the burden of building, executing, and tracking a cradle-to-submitted sampling program.
Locus manages over 1,250,000 worldwide locations and 500,000,000 analytical records in real time.
Worldwide Locations
Real-Time Analytical Records
Intuitive flow
The on-screen progression assists you logically through every step of building a sampling plan with sequential panels. As you define attributes in each step (such as the matrices to be sampled), the downstream options adjust accordingly. And the numbered panels prevent you from getting lost in the navigation—no matter how complex the plan is.
Simplified scheduling
Locus provides several options for scheduling one-time samples and recurring sampling events with variable intervals, frequencies, and durations. As requirements change, schedules can be easily modified with the revisions–from extending dates to new regulatory-driven frequencies.
Track and monitor everything
Customize your grid and calendar views to easily spot check your plan. Filter views by location, sample event, status, or whichever aspects matter to your sampling effort. These views enable you to identify missing, late, and incomplete samples; ensure plans are progressing in compliance with requirements; and confirm you have enough staff and sample containers available to execute the plan.
Accuracy and automation
Locus prevents typos and incongruities in even the most intricate and complicated plans. During setup, managers define the values and valid combinations permitted for the plan. As users progress through each panel, Locus will alert them to entries that are incorrect, inconsistent, or impossible. Smart fields are auto filled based on earlier entries – minimizing errors and reducing duplicated effort. Locus displays preview grids of entered data at each stage so that users can confirm their selections are correct before moving forward.
Ready for collection
After specifying the sampling plan, chains of custody, container labels, and work lists for field crews can be generated. Locus includes templates for each, but forms and labels can be customized. Plan details can be downloaded for offline viewing in Excel or other user defined formats. Field measurements and observations can be collected via Locus Mobile for iOS devices and loaded directly into Locus software.
Full circle from plan to field to lab and back
Complete the cycle by receiving laboratory EDD files into Locus to review and visualize analytical or field data, generate reports on contaminants or reductions in concentrations, and demonstrate regulatory compliance.
Did you know?
Locus simplifies the complex and tedious work of defining sampling plans and outlining field instructions. In fact, one Locus client saved 256 hours of labor in one year by using the module.